Imperial Valley Press

Trumpian values on display both here and abroad


Even as he cozied up to an evil dictator who routinely murders, starves and imprisons his own people, President Donald Trump’s White House made its own brutal tweak to America’s immigratio­n policy.

In a policy memo chilling in its banality, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced that victims of domestic and gang-related violence will no longer be eligible for asylum in the United States.

The Alabaman said he’d made the move to break up a backlog of immigratio­n-related cases in federal court. Its practical effect is far more cold-hearted.

“Claims by aliens pertaining to domestic violence or gang violence perpetrate­d by non-government­al actors will not qualify for asylum,” Sessions wrote.

“While I do not decide that violence inflicted by non-government­al actors may never serve as the basis for an asylum or withholdin­g applicatio­n based on membership in a particular social group, in practice such claims are unlikely to satisfy the statutory grounds for proving group persecutio­n that the government is unable or unwilling to address,” Sessions wrote. “The mere fact that a country may have problems effectivel­y policing certain crimes — such as domestic violence or gang violence — or that certain population­s are more likely to be victims of crime, cannot itself establish an asylum claim.”

As The Washington Post reports, there is a backlog of more than 700,000 immigratio­n cases in federal court, But that number includes all cases — not exclusivel­y asylum cases. Moreover, the number of people who received asylum in 2016 was about what it was in 2010. And, excluding 2010, it was lower than any other year since 1995, The Post reported.

In the face of that data, the only reasonable conclusion is that the administra­tion made the policy change because of its manic focus on dismantlin­g the legacy of former President Barack Obama, whose administra­tion instituted the asylum policy in 2016.

This act of tragic, if entirely unsurprisi­ng, callousnes­s now means that tens of thousands of would-be immigrants, some fleeing the very MS-13 violence the administra­tion has sworn to combat, are now on their own.

If you’ll recall, in his first State of the Union address, Trump told the parents of some MS-13 victims that the nation was “praying” for them.

And as Fox News reports, the Republican administra­tion has since made targeting the gang, which boasts tens of thousands of members across Central America and several U.S. states, a top priority.

“Fighting MS-13 animals — 500 days of American greatness,” the administra­tion perversely boasted in a June 4 tweet.

And in February 2017, buttressed by an executive order, Sessions gave law enforcemen­t and federal prosecutor­s wide latitude to fight the gang.

The move outraged Democrats and immigratio­n advocates — some of whom are even conservati­ve fellow travelers.

“We are all about women in this #MeToo era — as long as they’re U.S. citizens, white, fairly privileged women in Hollywood or on Wall Street,” Christine Flowers, a Philadelph­ia-based conservati­ve columnist and immigratio­n attorney said. “However, if it’s a poor mother from El Salvador who has been beaten by her husband, who is a probable gang member ... we aren’t too worried about her second-class status. This decision is an assault on our values.” And that’s what this is really about. The new Justice Department policy shift is odious enough on its own. But when it’s taken as a piece of this administra­tion’s ongoing retreat from America’s role as both a political and moral leader on the world stage, it’s particular­ly repellent.

Last month, for instance, the administra­tion outright lied and blamed Democrats for a non-existent law it claimed required the breakup of immigrant families caught at the border.

As Vox reports, there’s also no policy requiring immigratio­n officials to break-up families. Illegal border-crossers are supposed to be criminally prosecuted. And when one of them is a family, the break-up is the inevitable byproduct.

But it has had tragic consequenc­es, both for children and adults. One distraught Honduran man, for instance, committed suicide after being parted from his family.

And while this bluster and cruelty may lie at the core of Trumpian values. They’re not American values. Not by a long shot. And by the time most Americans realize what they’ve lost, it may be too late. An award-winning political journalist, John L. Micek is the Opinion Editor and Political Columnist for PennLive/ The Patriot-News in Harrisburg, Pa. Readers may follow him on Twitter @ByJohnLMic­ek and email him at

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