Imperial Valley Press

San Francisco moves to ban plastic straws, containers


SAN FRANCISCO — San Francisco supervisor­s voted Tuesday to give plastic straws the cold shoulder, following the lead of Seattle, another eco-conscious West Coast city where a ban went into effect this month.

The San Francisco Board of Supervisor­s gave unanimous approval to a measure that also takes the novel step of banning carryout containers and wrappers treated with fluorinate­d chemicals.

Advocates of the move say the chemicals repel oil and water but can be harmful and don’t break down in compost.

Supervisor Ahsha Safai said it’s not possible to recycle tiny plastic items because they literally fall through the cracks of machinery at processing plants.

He said the legislatio­n is a way to make people change their habits.

“It’s become so habitual for places to utilize these, it’s adding significan­tly to our environmen­tal degradatio­n,” Safai said.

Supervisor Katy Tang, who also championed the legislatio­n, called the negative environmen­tal impact of single-use plastics astronomic­al.

“San Francisco has been a pioneer of environmen­tal change, and it’s time for us to find alternativ­es to the plastic that is choking our marine ecosystems and littering our streets,” she said in a statement.

The legislatio­n requires a second approval, which is expected next week.

Seattle is believed to be the first major U.S. city to shun plastic straws when its ban went into effect this month. Since then, Starbucks and Marriott announced plastic straws and stirrers would be removed from those businesses.

The San Francisco ban on small plastic items goes into effect July 1, 2019, along with a new requiremen­t to make napkins, utensils and other to-go accessorie­s available only upon request, unless a self-serve station is available where people can take what they need.

The idea is to cut down on handing out items that customers may not need, such as utensils and napkins if they’re taking food to eat at home.

The Plastics Industry Associatio­n issued a statement Monday saying a better solution to dealing with the items is to expand recycling technology. “Regardless of what a straw is made of, we can all agree that it should not end up as litter,” the associatio­n said.

People with disabiliti­es have spoken out against the plastic straw ban, saying customers with mobility issues rely on them to drink.

San Francisco has frequently led the way on policies considered eco-friendly. In 2007, it outlawed single-use plastic bags and in 2016, expanded its prohibitio­n on foam food carryout containers to include retail sales of child pool toys and packing peanuts.

The Silent Spring Institute, a research and advocacy group, says fluorinate­d chemicals have been linked to hormone disruption, cancer and other detrimenta­l health effects.

Jonathan Corley, a spokesman for the American Chemistry Council, a trade associatio­n, said Monday that the U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion has deemed the chemicals currently used to package to-go food as safe.

“This potential ban is unnecessar­y, contrary to sound science and will provide no further benefits to public health or the environmen­t,” he said in a statement.

Gwyneth Borden, executive director of the Golden Gate Restaurant Associatio­n, said restaurate­urs have no desire to pass on toxins through carryout containers. But the higher cost of compostabl­e fluorinate­d-free containers will drive businesses to return to recyclable plastic containers, she said.

 ?? AP PHOTO/JEFF CHIU ?? This July 17 photo shows wrapped plastic straws at a bubble tea cafe in San Francisco. Eco-conscious San Francisco joins the city of Seattle in banning plastic straws, along with tiny coffee stirrers and cup pluggers, as part of an effort to reduce...
AP PHOTO/JEFF CHIU This July 17 photo shows wrapped plastic straws at a bubble tea cafe in San Francisco. Eco-conscious San Francisco joins the city of Seattle in banning plastic straws, along with tiny coffee stirrers and cup pluggers, as part of an effort to reduce...

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