Imperial Valley Press

Twitter muzzles conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for a week

- Radio host and conspiracy theorist,

NEW YORK (AP) — Twitter is joining other prominent tech companies in muzzling Alex Jones, the right-wing conspiracy theorist who’s used their services to spread false informatio­n.

Twitter had been resisting the move despite public pressure, including some from its own employees. But the holdout lasted less than two weeks.

“They seem to be reacting to the backlash they received when so many other companies in Silicon Valley ended up taking action,” said Keegan Hankes, research analyst for the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Intelligen­ce Project, who focuses on far right extremist propaganda online. “It’s illustrati­ve of a broader trend of reactive enforcemen­t” by the companies, he added.

Late Tuesday, Twitter said it had “limited” Jones’ personal account for seven days because he had violated the company’s rules. Jones won’t be able to tweet or retweet, though he will be able to browse Twitter. The company would not comment on what the offending post said. But in a video posted Wednesday to the Twitter account of Jones’ “Infowars” show, Jones said the company suspended him and may shut him down completely because he violated its rules by posting a “video I shot last night saying (President Donald) Trump should do something about the censorship of the internet.”

Later Wednesday, Twitter put the Infowars account on the same seven-day timeout as Jones, apparently for posting the same video.

Paul Joseph Watson, the editor-at-large for Infowars, posted a screenshot of a Twitter notice that said Jones had his account “temporaril­y limited” because he violated its rules against “targeted harassment of someone, or (inciting) other people to do so.”

 ??  ?? In this 2017 file photo, Alex Jones, a right-wing arrives at the courthouse in Austin, Texas. JAY JANNER/AuSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN VIA AP
In this 2017 file photo, Alex Jones, a right-wing arrives at the courthouse in Austin, Texas. JAY JANNER/AuSTIN AMERICAN-STATESMAN VIA AP

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