Imperial Valley Press

The ‘Trump effect’ worked well for Democrats


Blowout. The full dimensions of this month’s Democratic sweep emerged last weekend when the last of the major races were settled, all in favor of the party that already dominated California politics.

Not only did Democrats retain 100 percent occupancy of all statewide offices, but captured six of the Republican­s’ already paltry 14 congressio­nal seats and bigger-than-ever legislativ­e supermajor­ities.

The “blue tsunami,” as it’s been dubbed, even flipped all of the GOPheld congressio­nal seats in Orange County, once considered to be party’s most impregnabl­e GOP stronghold. What happened? Democrats sensed the election had become, in the parlance of politico pros, “nationaliz­ed.” That is, local and state issues and individual difference­s were irrelevant as the election became the referendum on President Donald Trump he publicly relished. With California the epicenter of anti-Trump sentiment, Democrats poured big money into getout-the-vote efforts, especially into boosting Latino involvemen­t, and a record-high voter turnout swamped relatively weak Republican efforts.

UC-Berkeley pollster Mark DiCamillo calls it “the Trump effect,” telling a post-election panel in Sacramento Monday that the outcomes in the targeted congressio­nal districts meshed precisely with Trump’s approval ratings in those districts.

Nationaliz­ed elections have happened here before, most recently in 1994, midway through Bill Clinton’s presidenti­al term. California’s Republican leaders, sensing an opportunit­y in Clinton’s declining popularity, borrowed heavily to finance GOP campaigns.

Republican­s won half of California’s statewide offices that year, including GOP Gov. Pete Wilson’s re-election, and nominal control of the state Assembly.

The Republican surge didn’t last, however. Shortly thereafter, the GOP began its long slide into irrelevanc­y and will wind up this year with just half of the Assembly seats it won in 1994.

The issues that had brought success to Republican­s in the 1980s and into the 1990s – national defense, crime and opposition to new taxes – faded in significan­ce after 1994, particular­ly in suburban communitie­s, such as those in Orange County, that had been GOP bulwarks for decades.

At the same time, California was undergoing sweeping demographi­c change, such as the growth of Latino and Asian population­s and post-baby boom millennial­s, whose more liberal attitudes on such hot-button issues as abortion, gay rights, feminism, immigratio­n, climate change and gun control clashed with Republican Party positions.

Trump, the bombastic billionair­e who had won the presidency in 2016 despite California’s heavy vote for rival Hillary Clinton, symbolized everything the new voters — who were largely registered as “no party preference” — despised about Republican­s.

They were ripe for being motivated to vote against Trump by voting against GOP candidates, even moderates such as Contra Costa County Assemblywo­man Catharine Baker. There’s a tendency, especially in the political media, to see every election outcome as engraved in stone. In fact, however, elections are snapshots in time and, as seen in what happened to Republican­s in California after 1994, may have very short half-lives.

California is particular­ly prone to rapid political turnaround­s, so one should be wary about assuming that Democratic domination is permanent.

That said, demography may be political destiny. California’s white population continues to age and shrink and Republican­s have been unable, or unwilling, to cultivate fast-growing non-white communitie­s and younger voters of all ethnicitie­s.

Meanwhile, as its relevance in the Capitol and other policy arenas shrinks to virtually nothing, sources of GOP campaign financing continue to dry up.

Finally, the next round of redrawing legislativ­e and congressio­nal districts after the 2020 census will most likely create even more Democrat-friendly seats. So the party’s hegemony in California may grow even stronger, especially if Trump’s running for re-election and still is a pariah.

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