Imperial Valley Press

Talks resume in effort to end strike by LA teachers


LOS ANGELES (AP) — A new round of contract negotiatio­ns started Thursday between Los Angeles school district officials and a teachers union as thousands of educators picketed in the rain.

The announceme­nt that the two sides would sit down for the first time in nearly a week didn’t indicate whether any new contract offers would be on the table.

Union officials tempered expectatio­ns.

“After 21 months of negotiatio­ns I think it would be an unrealisti­c expectatio­n to say that this is going to be over after today because there are hard issues to work through,” said Alex Caputo-Pearl, president of United Teachers Los Angeles.

Talks broke off Friday, sending tens of thousands of teachers onto the street. Thursday was the fourth day of the walkout.

Mayor Eric Garcetti had urged both sides to resume talks on Thursday at City Hall. The mayor does not have authority over the Los Angeles Unified School District but he has sought to help both sides reach an agreement.

Clashes over pay, class sizes and support-staff levels in the district with 640,000 students led to its first strike in 30 years and prompted the staffing of classrooms with substitute teachers and administra­tors.

Parents and children have joined the protests despite heavy rain that has drenched the city. Overall attendance fell to 83,900 students on Thursday.

With state funding dependent on attendance, student absences cost the district about $97 million over four days, the district said. At the same time, it doesn’t have to spend about $10 million a day on teacher pay.

The union representi­ng principals urged LA Unified to close schools until the strike is over. If the district can’t close the campuses, Associated Administra­tors of Los Angeles asked for additional resources for principals who have helped keep schools running while teachers walk picket lines.

 ??  ?? Actor, musician and activist steven van Zandt (center) supports striking teachers on the picket in front of hamilton high school in Los Angeles on Wednesday. AP Photo/RIchARd Voge
Actor, musician and activist steven van Zandt (center) supports striking teachers on the picket in front of hamilton high school in Los Angeles on Wednesday. AP Photo/RIchARd Voge

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