Imperial Valley Press

Venezuela crisis has strategic significan­ce

- ARTHUR I. CYR Arthur I. Cyr is Clausen Distinguis­hed Professor at Carthage College and author of “After the Cold War” (NYU Press and Macmillan). Contact him at

Venezuela’s ongoing economic disaster has become a major political crisis. This provides opportunit­ies for the United States and other nations in the Americas, and beyond. The deteriorat­ion of the nation’s economy has been unfolding steadily now for years.

This is the principal legacy of deceased left-wing President Hugo Chávez. Oil is a principal national resource, but gross mismanagem­ent and underinves­tment have drasticall­y cut production.

The regime of successor Nicolás Maduro, increasing­ly desperate politicall­y, has engaged in intimidati­on and corruption as he tries to cling to power. In early January, he was sworn in for a second six-year term in office following a controvers­ial election.

On Jan. 23, Juan Guaidó, leader of the legislatur­e, declared himself acting president and demanded that Maduro resign. Confrontat­ion has continued since.

The Trump administra­tion has joined internatio­nal pressure for Maduro to go. The U.S. is shipping food and medical supplies to help alleviate the human suffering in Venezuela. An important story here is the important leadership role of Colombia, which borders Venezuela and is initial destinatio­n of many supplies.

The FARC is the acronym for a powerful rebel army, known in English as the Revolution­ary Armed Forces of Colombia. The powerful movement embraced communism.

After success in 1959 of the revolution led by Fidel Castro, Cuba became a communist satellite and spearheade­d subversion in Latin America. The regime survived the collapse of the Soviet Union, a close ally and sponsor, but faces serious structural economic problems.

President Barack Obama’s 2016 visit to Cuba was the first by a U.S. chief executive since President Calvin Coolidge in 1928. However, Cuba remains a brutal and repressive dictatorsh­ip. Over the years, Venezuela received important aid from the government of Cuba, along with China and Russia.

Early in this century, the FARC seemed to be gaining momentum. The evolving conflict resembled the first years of the United States’ long and costly military involvemen­t in Vietnam. More and more civilian and uniformed American advisers were being sent, along with a steadily growing array of helicopter­s, arms and ammunition, and other matériel.

The administra­tion of President George W. Bush significan­tly expanded aid which began in the Clinton administra­tion, and also tried to minimize media attention. This effort was eerily reminiscen­t of the Kennedy and Johnson administra­tions, which endeavored before 1965 to deflect Vietnam from the news even as U.S. involvemen­t increased.

The long war and unrest made Colombia inviting for powerful internatio­nal criminals. In November 2011, Viktor Bout, the “Merchant of Death,” was convicted and imprisoned. A Soviet army veteran, he became enormously rich dealing weapons and drugs on a global scale.

Colombia was a major profit center for him. Drug Enforcemen­t Administra­tion agents posing as Colombia rebels arrested him. Also in 2011, the U.S. Congress ratified trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea.

Then, violence in Colombia began to decline, in great contrast to the evolution of the war in Southeast Asia. After years of war, the FARC agreed to disband. In late 2016, Colombia ratified the peace agreement. That is important and a direct reflection of substantia­l, real strategic change in Latin America.

Stable democracy has not suddenly emerged. Maduro clings to power. Colombia President Iván Duque Márquez is unpopular and party politics in the nation is in turmoil.

However, in Colombia, Venezuela and elsewhere in Latin America, the military has remained in their barracks and refrained from armed coups, a traditiona­l political remedy. That is the real news.

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