Imperial Valley Press

My favorites


Pro athlete — Derrick Rose

Pro team — Chicago Bulls

Class — English (“It’s just a fun time.”) Movie — “Coach Carter”

Non-sport activity — “Just hanging out with friends.”

Song — “Championsh­ip,” by Meek Mill Musical artist — Meek Mill

What do you enjoy most about your sport?

“I love defense. I don’t know why, but that’s what the coaches instilled in me. Defense, defense, defense.”

What’s one of the best memories you’ve had playing?

“I would say (this year’s) CIF run. It’s sad that we couldn’t make it all the way — [Southwest San Diego] had a better night than us — but [it was a good experience]. I love the crowd. I loved it. And Coach would always get mad at me because [I would be] talking to the crowd … but I just love that atmosphere.”

Who inspires you and why?

“My dad. He’s not my biological father, but he came into my life and helped my mom out through all this stu … Without him I don’t know what I’d be doing right now. He made me into the person I am today — working hard and never giving up on what I do?” What are your post-high school plans? “After I graduate I’m looking into enlisting in the Navy. That’s always something that I wanted to do. My dad’s in the Coast Guard, and I like all of the benefits he has the opportunit­y to give to us, and that’s something I want to be able to — later on — give to my kids … the G.I. Bill and medical and all this other stu .”

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