Imperial Valley Press

Self-impeach? Talk shifts toward Trump defiance of Congress


WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has introduced a new concept into the debate over President Donald Trump’s actions: “self-impeaching.”

As Trump all but goads Democrats into impeachmen­t proceeding­s , viewing the showdown as potentiall­y valuable for his 2020 re-election campaign , Democrats are trying to show restraint. Their investigat­ions are both intensifyi­ng but also moving slowly as Democrats dig into the special counsel’s Trump-Russia report and examine Trump’s finances and governance.

The more they push, the more Trump resists, the president making what Pelosi says is his own case for impeachmen­t with his stonewalli­ng of Congress.

“The president is self-impeaching,” she told her colleagues last week during a private caucus meeting, echoing comments she also aired in public. “He’s putting out the case against himself. Obstructio­n, obstructio­n, obstructio­n. Ignoring subpoenas and the rest.”

She added, “He’s doing our work for us, in a certain respect.”

There is no actual process for self-impeachmen­t. It’s a thought bubble more than a legal term. A pure Pelosi-ism, one that an aide says she coined herself.

But as a device, it’s a way for Pelosi to frame the often complicate­d idea of the White House refusing to engage with Congress in the traditiona­l process of checks and balances.

“Sometimes people act as if it’s impeachmen­t or nothing,” Pelosi told reporters. “No, it’s not that. It’s a path that is producing results and gathering informatio­n.”

In the aftermath of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigat­ion, the slow drip of congressio­nal oversight also serves a dual purpose politicall­y.

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