Imperial Valley Press

Ex-partner of deceased skater Coughlin says she was abused


KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — One of the former skating partners of twotime U.S. pairs champion John Coughlin has accused him in a series of Facebook posts of sexually assaulting her over a two-year period. Coughlin, who killed himself in January, “hurt at least 10 people including me,” wrote Coughlin Bridget Namiotka, who skated with Coughlin from 2004, when she was 14, through the 2007 season. “Nobody innocent hangs themselves.”

Namiotka’s attorney confirmed to The Associated Press the comments were made by her.

“My office alone represents three women across a generation who really didn’t know each other until they found they had very similar stories, and all of them wanted to keep their privacy because nobody wants to disclose this,” said John Manly, who has represente­d victims of sexual abuse for more than 25 years. “I think Bridget has courageous­ly said, ‘I’m not going to take it anymore.’”

The U.S. Center for SafeSport and U.S. Figure Skating had begun investigat­ing allegation­s lodged against Coughlin late last year. They found enough evidence to warrant an interim suspension earlier this year, barring Coughlin — who had become a coach and well-known TV commentato­r after retiring from skating — from attending activities sanctioned by the U.S. Olympic Committee.

Coughlin, who had maintained his innocence throughout the investigat­ions, was found dead Jan. 18 at his father’s home in Kansas City, Missouri. He was 33.

“Athlete safety and wellbeing continue to be a top priority of U.S. Figure Skating. We fully support all victims of sexual abuse and misconduct and encourage anyone who either has been abused or suspects abuse or misconduct to report it,” U.S. Figure Skating said in a statement Tuesday.

“We condemn any and all acts of bullying and shaming of those who share their story. Bullying and victim-shaming are wrong and will not be tolerated,” the statement said. “U.S. Figure Skating commends and supports those who speak up as we all work to end abuse and misconduct in sport.”

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