Imperial Valley Press

Factors to consider before pursuing an advanced degree


Advanced degrees have long been associated with better career prospects and higher earnings. Women seem to be especially aware of that, as the Council of Graduate Schools/GRE Survey of Graduate Enrollment and Degrees noted that, in the fall of 2017, the majority of firsttime graduate students at all levels were women.

Among master’s degree candidate’s that fall, 59 percent were female while 53.5 percent of doctoral candidates were women.

The decision to pursue an advanced degree requires careful considerat­ion.

Such a pursuit requires a considerab­le investment of time and money, and while those are two important factors to consider before making a decision (more on that below), they’re not the only things women must think of as they try to make the best decision.


Timing and time are two different things. While many people considerin­g graduate degrees think about how much time they’ll need to complete their degrees, timing also merits considerat­ion.

Newly minted graduates may want to take a break after expending so much effort to earn their undergradu­ate degrees.

Taking time between degrees can provide the opportunit­y to recharge, and it also can give young graduates a chance to get some profession­al experience.

That experience can inform their future grad school decision, perhaps reassuring them they’re on the right career path or compelling them to pursue other avenues.

But enrolling right after completing your undergradu­ate studies can be beneficial as well. That’s especially so for recent grads who hope to start a family soon after graduation.

The longer you delay enrolling in a graduate program, the longer you may delay starting a family, which can have a lasting impact.

Career prospects

While it’s easy to assume an advanced degree will greatly enhance your career prospects and increase your earning potential, it’s not necessaril­y that simple. When considerin­g the pursuit of an advanced degree, try to determine if you’ll be in the workforce long enough to benefit from the increased earnings.

Women who are mid- to late-career might not benefit considerab­ly or at all from the extra earnings if they’re paying for their advanced degrees themselves, as the cost of tuition and other fees might be higher than the extra earnings.

In addition, some advanced degrees won’t necessaril­y lead to considerab­ly higher salaries than you’re likely to earn with a bachelor’s degree. That will depend on your profession.


The time required to pursue an advanced degree merits strong considerat­ion.

Many students pursuing a master’s degree full-time can earn their degrees in two years, while those who attend parttime will need more time to complete their degree programs. Doctoral programs take considerab­ly longer.


The cost of an advanced degree varies widely depending on the program. Some programs may cost $20,000 or less, while others will cost more than $100,000. Many doctoral candidates receive financial aid from their schools or lenders, but the cost of a Ph.D. is still considerab­le, especially when considerin­g the potential lost earnings during the years while the degree is being pursued.

Women receive the majority of advanced degrees earned at colleges and universiti­es across the country. Choosing whether or not to pursue such a degree requires careful considerat­ion of a host of factors.

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