Imperial Valley Press

Congressio­nal inaction on vote security puts onus on states

- By PAul WeBeR

The death of a bill in Congress this week that would have bolstered election security systems puts more pressure on states to prevent cyberattac­ks from Russia that former special counsel Robert Mueller warned against this week. But many states are paralyzed by their own inaction.

State and local election officials want to replace aging or outdated equipment before the 2020 election, but many have said they lack the money to do so. In some states, recent legislativ­e sessions produced little progress.

The issue took on greater urgency this week in Washington as Mueller bluntly told lawmakers about Russian meddling in American elections: “They’re doing it as we sit here.” Democrats passed a $775 million spending measure to funnel more money to states for election security, but Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell blocked the bill. The Kentucky senator said the federal government is already doing enough to shore up voting systems and there’s no need to spend an additional sum of money that size.

Texas is one state that illustrate­s the challenges in enacting significan­t election security.

A Texas bill this year would have required all voting machines to have paper trails by 2024, but those changes were included in a broader Republican package to crack down on ballot-box crime, such as making it a felony to put false informatio­n on a voter registrati­on form.

Democrats slammed the provisions as an attempt to dissuade people from voting, at a time when tensions were already heightened over Texas elections officials wrongly calling into question the citizenshi­p of nearly 100,000 voters. The bill failed, along with another that would have establishe­d a grant fund to help counties purchase voting machines that include paper trails.

“I’m not worried that the Russians are hacking into a machine that is not connected to the Internet. They can’t do it,” Democratic state Rep. Celia Isreal, a member of the Texas House elections committee. “But every election is run by the county in Texas, and our counties are strapped for resources.”

The most urgent concern centers on the 12 states that use, either statewide or in certain local jurisdicti­ons, electronic voting machines that do not produce a paper record so voters can verify their choices before they cast their ballot. Experts say these machines are vulnerable and that hackers could manipulate the outcome without detection.

Those states are Delaware, Georgia, South Carolina, Louisiana, Pennsylvan­ia, New Jersey, Kansas, Kentucky, Indiana, Mississipp­i, Tennessee and Texas.

Mueller’s team indicted a dozen Russian intelligen­ce agents last year on charges related to 2016 election meddling, including a notable hack of Illinois’ voter registrati­on database that stole informatio­n on thousands of voters.

States ever since have been trying to improve their election systems with a combinatio­n of state and federal funds. While $380 million in federal funds were sent to states for election security, experts say this was more of a down payment and will not cover much of what needs to be done.

“We cannot survive having a lump sum of money once every 10 to 15 years,” Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos said Friday. “We need ongoing sustainabl­e funding in order to maintain this battle against bad actors like the Russians.”

Last August, Vermont’s online voter registrati­on system successful­ly defended itself against a series of attempted cyber intrusions that were described in the Senate Intelligen­ce report that was released Thursday.

 ??  ?? sen. Mark Warner, d-Va., vice-chair of the senate intelligen­ce Committee, is joined by fellow democrats as he tells reporters that the Republican­s have killed every piece of legislatio­n the democrats have crafted to protect elections, during a news conference at the Capitol in Washington, on Tuesday. AP Photo/J. Scott APPlewhIte
sen. Mark Warner, d-Va., vice-chair of the senate intelligen­ce Committee, is joined by fellow democrats as he tells reporters that the Republican­s have killed every piece of legislatio­n the democrats have crafted to protect elections, during a news conference at the Capitol in Washington, on Tuesday. AP Photo/J. Scott APPlewhIte

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