Imperial Valley Press

voice of the people

- Jacquie Keltz El Centro

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” He also said, “The good man is the friend of all things.”

Whether one believes in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, the general consensus of belief in today’s world is that the human is the superior being in the animal kingdom. If we do have superior brain power, why, then, does it not become our responsibi­lity to care for and preserve the welfare of our world and all things within?

I am a believer. So it devastates me to be constantly barraged by senseless instances of animal abuse or abandonmen­t: Fed by greed for money, brainless owners expose innocent animals to pain, suffering and death in a whole plethora of such sports as dog, cock or bull fighting; horse or dog racing; puppy mills … the list goes on. Even on an individual basis, neglect or abandonmen­t is a major problem.

So when I read about the wonderful donation the Realtors have given, I am encouraged to know there is good in the world.

The two recipients of the donations are most worthy of the gift. Unless you visit these facilities, you will not fully realize the dire need that exists. Mr. (Devon) Apodaca has been instrument­al in bringing the problem to our attention by his regular publicatio­ns in IV Press, and Mr. Bodus is to be praised for promoting the coverage.

I personally have witnessed the devoted care animals receive from Dee’s Pet Rescue, where every animal is important in her world. She and her cadre of volunteers work tirelessly to improve the lives of those in need — and to find good homes for each.

Neither facility would be able to operate without the many volunteers who unselfishl­y devote untold hours without payment or visions of reward — only to ease the suffering of innocent animals.

So, from one who loves and respects animals, a multitude of kudos to all who are mentioned above. May many more join the effort.

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