Imperial Valley Press

Mexican Americans faced racial terror from 1910-1920


ALBUQUERQU­E, N.M. (AP) — Twenty years ago, a knock on the door opened the past for Arlinda Valencia.

A relative had come to pay his respects on the death of Valencia’s father. He then revealed a shocking secret: The family was descended from survivors of a 1918 massacre along the U.S.-Mexico border.

In an account later confirmed by Valencia’s 96-year-old great-uncle, the Texas Rangers and U.S. soldiers killed her great-grandfathe­r and 14 other men and boys. The massacre that all but wiped the town of Porvenir, Texas, was part of a campaign of terror that largely targeted Mexican Americans.

“But the older people never said anything to us. Not a word,” Valencia said. “We couldn’t believe it.”

As the U.S. prepares to mark the 100th anniversar­y of “Red Summer” — a period in 1919 when white mobs attacked and murdered African Americans in dozens of cities across the country — some historians and Latino activists say now is the time to acknowledg­e the terror experience­d by Mexican Americans around the same period.

In towns, villages and cities in the West, Mexican Americans were subjected to torture, lynchings and other violence at the hands of white mobs and law enforcemen­t agencies such as the Texas Rangers. Historians say that from 1910 to 1920, an estimated 5,000 people of Mexican descent were killed or vanished in the U.S.

Often the violence was so barbaric it attracted the attention of newspapers abroad and the fledgling NAACP.

Then, it was forgotten. “When you talk about villages and small towns being wiped off the face of the earth ... that’s what happened to Porvenir,” said Valencia, 67, a leader of a teachers union in El Paso, Texas.

Monica Muñoz Martinez, the author of “The Injustice Never Leaves You: Anti-Mexican Violence in Texas” and an American studies professor at Brown University, said Mexican American families often kept stories of violence from their children out of fear because the perpetrato­rs and their offspring remained in key law enforcemen­t positions or elected offices.

“Now there’s a new generation that’s saying, ‘We need to make these histories public and we need a public reckoning,’” Martinez said.

As with attacks on African American men, the mob violence usually stemmed from rumors about a crime that was pinned on Mexican Americans with little or no evidence.

In 1910, a white mob in Rockspring­s, Texas, lynched 20-year-old Antonio Rodríguez and burned the body after he was accused of killing a white woman. He never received a trial; instead, he was kidnapped from jail.

Four years later, Adolfo Padilla, jailed in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on suspicion of killing his wife, was seized by masked men and chopped into pieces.

In 1915, brothers Jose and Hilario Leon were beaten and hanged by two white Arizona police officers during an interrogat­ion. Their bodies were left to rot in the desert gulch. The officers were later convicted of murder, but that was a rare outcome.

Mexican American families sometimes went to local and state authoritie­s to complain and often suffered violent retributio­n, historians say.

 ??  ?? In this April 30 photo, Arlinda Valencia poses at her home in El Paso, Texas, with a portrait of her great-grandfathe­r Longino Flores, who was murdered at the age of 44 by Texas Rangers and U.S. Army soldiers in the Porvenir Massacre of 1918. AP Photo/cedAR AttAnASIo
In this April 30 photo, Arlinda Valencia poses at her home in El Paso, Texas, with a portrait of her great-grandfathe­r Longino Flores, who was murdered at the age of 44 by Texas Rangers and U.S. Army soldiers in the Porvenir Massacre of 1918. AP Photo/cedAR AttAnASIo

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