Imperial Valley Press

Democrats should’ve been prepared for disappoint­ment


In justifying his demand for ex-special counsel Robert Mueller to testify publicly about his investigat­ion into alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 election and his 448-page report, Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler of New York quipped: “Nobody reads the book, but everybody will watch the movie.” It turns out the movie was a box office bomb. The leading man fumbled his lines, lost track of the narrative, mumbled responses, appeared bewildered and finally refused to answer questions. For Democrats, Mueller’s overhyped and much anticipate­d appearance was an embarrassm­ent.

Nadler and his like-minded colleagues should have foreseen the outcome.

Instead, they allowed wishful thinking to override cooler and more objective understand­ing. Mueller was the epitome of a reluctant witness.

He was already on record as refusing to testify, followed by a warning that he would refuse to comment beyond the findings in his report. Nadler, though, apparently believed he could lead Mueller into areas where he clearly did not want to go and elicit responses deeply damaging to Trump. Support for impeachmen­t, he felt, would quickly spread and force Speaker Nancy Pelosi to abandon her misgivings and give in to the pressure. None of it happened.

Pelosi remained unmoved, recognizin­g that taking Mueller’s testimony to the American people as the foundation for impeachmen­t would reinforce the perception that Democrats were motivated by a revenge-driven desire to upend the result of the 2016 election. To satisfy the pitchfork and torch crowd, Pelosi ratcheted up her rhetoric accusing Trump of misdeeds and a cover-up while emphasizin­g that congressio­nal committee inquires and litigation would continue.

Her political calculatio­n turned on a belief the Democrats’ majority would be imperiled if the 2020 campaign was a proxy vote on impeachmen­t. She is willing to allow the impeachmen­t bloc to continue to cry for Trump’s head, but she is unwilling to allow it to become the party’s sole message.

“Vote Democrat and Impeach the President” may play well in some Congressio­nal

districts, but a coherent, issue-oriented agenda on topics such as immigratio­n, trade, taxes and spending and criminal justice reform will play more effectivel­y. Pelosi and a majority of her caucus understand that ending the Trump Administra­tion is in the hands of voters and should remain there, rather than indulge in an exercise destined to fail in any event. While articles of impeachmen­t stand a reasonable chance of approval in the House, conviction in the Senate is out of the question.

A protracted, bitter partisan debate will bring out the worst on both sides and further erode the confidence of the American people in their government.

Mueller’s testimony broke no new ground. His two-year investigat­ion and report were a damning portrayal of a political campaign populated by characters of questionab­le motives, but eventually concluded there was insufficie­nt evidence of a conspiracy involving the Trump campaign and Russian operatives.

His findings and testimony that his investigat­ion neither supported nor excused obstructio­n of justice allegation­s against Trump has given both sides the opportunit­y to claim victory.

On this point, the waters were muddy when the report was released and Mueller clearly had no intention of clearing it. Trump, of course, interprete­d Mueller’s testimony as vindicatin­g his “no collusion, no obstructio­n” position while reiteratin­g his witch hunt characteri­zation of the investigat­ion. Pelosi recognizes that acquiescin­g in demands for impeachmen­t plays into Trump’s hands and his campaign will fill the air with accusation­s that Democrats are attempting to abuse its Constituti­onal authority to achieve what it failed to win at the ballot box.

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