Imperial Valley Press

Colombian cycling ‘beetles’ chase Tour leader Bernal’s dream


ZIPAQUIRA, Colombia — Tomás Moreno sneaks a quick glance over his shoulder before speeding across the white finish line and throwing his hands in the air. It’s the 8-year-old’s first ever cycling win but he’s already looking to follow in the path blazed by Egan Bernal, who hauled himself up from a modest upbringing in this high Andean town outside Colombia’s capital to the pinnacle of competitiv­e cycling.

“I want to go to the Tour de France and do everything I can to win,” says Moreno, catching his breath after finishing a 1.5 kilometer sprint in a little over five minutes.

He’s not the only Colombian child dreaming big these days with Bernal poised to win the Tour de France.

A few blocks away, dozens of young cyclists, some of them on bicycles or dressed in the red, yellow and blue of Colombia’s flag, pack into Zipaquira’s “Plaza of Hope” to watch on a giant screen their town’s favorite son defend the yellow jersey in Saturday’s penultimat­e stage. Confetti rained on the tear-shedding crowd, which included several of Bernal’s relatives and cycling buddies, as he finished with a commanding lead heading into Sunday’s traditiona­l procession into Paris.

“He was always discipline­d and a hard worker. You never had to tell him to do something twice,” said Fabio Rodríguez, who discovered Bernal at the tender age of 8 when against the wishes of his father, a frustrated semiprofes­sional cyclist himself, he enrolled in a mountain biking class for underprivi­leged kids run by the city government.

Rodriguez said he realized Bernal would surpass the dozens of other hard-charging youth he’s trained in this oxygen-starved town at 2,650 meters (8,700 feet) above sea level when as a teenager he traveled to Europe and immediatel­y racked up a string of impressive cross-country performanc­es before turning to road racing at the relatively late age of 17. “That’s when I said to myself he will be the best.”

Colombian riders have shined at the Tour before. Luis “Lucho” Herrera in 1984 became the first of 12 Colombians to win a stage victory at the race, while several others have worn the polka dotted “King of the Mountains” jersey. Nairo Quintana, who entered this year’s Tour as a favorite to win, finished second overall in 2013 and 2015 and is one of two Colombians behind Bernal in the top 10 of this year’s edition.

But none of those memorable races have energized Colombians like Bernal’s breakout performanc­e as the Tour’s youngest post World War II winner.

For days now, Colombians have been glued to their TV sets watching live every move by Bernal and his British team Ineos. Even President Ivan Duque dipped into a downtown cafe amid a packed schedule of events Friday to watch the final minutes of Bernal’s historic performanc­e when he took the lead while riding through a violent hailstorm.

On Saturday, with Bernal on the cusp of victory, the airwaves filled with news that one mother had named her newborn son after the country’s overnight sporting sensation. In Zipaquira, the town’s mayor, smelling victory, unveiled 10 days ago a giant graffiti rendering of Bernal’s tiger-like stare.

While little known in Europe and the U.S., Colombia has a rich cycling tradition that forms an integral part of the national culture like nowhere else in Latin America.

Much of it was written in the same steep hills surroundin­g Bernal’s hometown, from where one of the country’s sporting legends, Efraín “El Zipa” Forero, winner of the first-ever Tour of Colombia in 1951, also hails.

With a first-place prize of barely $10,000 — versus the 500,000 euros Bernal stands to win in France — the two-week Tour of Colombia until recently had been all but shunned by the sport’s top riders.

But it’s a showcase for the unique brand of riders known in Colombia as Los Escarabajo­s — the beetles — for the relentless determinat­ion with which they scramble up almost any mountain. It’s toughest stage is a 3,265-meter pass known as “La Linea” — “The Line” — a full 500 meters beyond than the highest point on this year’s Tour — in which riders setting off in a lush, tropical valley must grind their way 13 miles (21 kilometers) up to the freezing, oxygen-starved Andean plateau before embarking on a treacherou­s, winding descent back into the jungle heat.

Bernal finished fourth at this year’s Vuelta, as the Tour de Colombia is known in Spanish.

In a country torn apart by rugged topography and a half century of guerrilla warfare the race has managed to bring Colombians together in a way only sports can.

And while the popularity of soccer and other sports have overshadow­ed cycling, live radio broadcasts of the Tour still saturate airwaves nationwide.

“I almost feel like I won too,” Santiago Botero, who competed in three Tours and finished first in the mountain classifica­tion in 2000, said of Bernal’s performanc­e.

“Watching Egan, you notice the difference between people who were born at high altitude and those who just train there.”

 ??  ?? Tears run down the face of a boy watching on a giant screen Colombia’s Egan Bernal performanc­e in the 20th stage of the Tour de France cycling race Bernal’s hometown in Zipaquira, Colombia, on Saturday. AP PHOTO/IVAN VALENCIA)(AP PHOTO/IVAN VALENCIA
Tears run down the face of a boy watching on a giant screen Colombia’s Egan Bernal performanc­e in the 20th stage of the Tour de France cycling race Bernal’s hometown in Zipaquira, Colombia, on Saturday. AP PHOTO/IVAN VALENCIA)(AP PHOTO/IVAN VALENCIA

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