Imperial Valley Press

Macron tries to arrange a Trump meeting with Iranian leader

- B4 the final press

BIARRITZ, France (AP) — U.S. President Donald Trump said Monday there’s a “really good chance” he could meet with Iran’s leader on their nuclear impasse after a surprise interventi­on by the French president during the G-7 summit to try to bring Washington and Tehran together after decades of conflict.

French President Emmanuel Macron orchestrat­ed the high-stakes gamble to invite the Iranian foreign minister, whose plane landed at the locked-down airport of the coastal resort of Biarritz during the Group of Seven gathering of the world’s major democracie­s. Relying on his carefully cultivated chemistry with Trump, Macron shuttled between high-level official meetings in a conference center barricaded by security to a small room in the town hall filled with European and Iranian diplomats.

Macron, who is known to exchange casual texts with Trump, kept him in the loop minute by minute, both men said as they stood together on stage, recounting the weekend. They embraced at least once before going their separate ways.

Their joint news conference capped an unexpected­ly dramatic gathering normally known for bland public expression­s of unity and no small amount of sharp exchanges behind closed doors.

Macron said he hoped Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani could meet within weeks in hopes of saving the 2015 nuclear deal that Tehran struck with world powers, but which the U.S. unilateral­ly withdrew from last year. Under the deal, Iran agreed to limit its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of economic sanctions.

Trump was less definitive about a time frame for such a meeting with Rouhani.

“If the circumstan­ces were correct or right, I would certainly agree to that. But in the meantime, they have to be good players. You understand what that means,” Trump said of the Iranians.

He later added, “At a given point in time, there will have to be a meeting between the American and Iranian president.”

Trump suggested offering lines of credit to Iran, giving it access to much needed hard currency amid re-imposed U.S. sanctions crippling its economy. Moments later, he repeated his criticism of former President Barack Obama over his agreement to release large sums of cash to Iran to partially settle a claim over a 1970s military equipment order.

This time, Trump said, Iran was ready to deal. Certainly Macron and the other G-7 leaders, who opposed Trump’s decision to unilateral­ly leave the accord, have been hoping Trump also was ready.

Macron, who had met Friday with Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in Paris, intercepte­d Trump as he arrived at his Biarritz hotel the following day, and the two spent nearly two hours alone together on a sunny terrace, eating and talking before the summit’s official start. Trump seemed almost smitten at the memory.

“He wasn’t trying to impress his people. I wasn’t trying to impress my people. We were just trying to impress each other,” he said.

That seems to be when Macron first broached the idea of the invitation. Trump said he approved, despite new U.S. sanctions against Zarif. The Iranian diplomat’s plane was permitted to land at the small airport, which was open only to G-7 flights.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, greeting Macron for a meeting Sunday morning just before the plane left Tehran, congratula­ted him and shook his hand.

“Well done. Bien joué,” Johnson said, using the French expression for “well played.”

But the plan almost foundered while the plane was in the air, due to a sloppily written statement from Macron’s office that said the leaders had agreed during an informal G-7 dinner Saturday that Macron could serve as an intermedia­ry. Asked about it, Trump looked blank and denied he had agreed to anything.

Zarif’s convoy headed to Biarritz city hall, where he met with Macron and diplomats from Britain, Germany and France, who are still parties to the nuclear deal. Trump would not say whether any Americans were present but insisted Macron had kept him informed at every step. The French president’s day was fully scheduled, but he somehow carved out 30 minutes and Zarif’s plane left.

 ??  ?? French President Emmanuel Macron and U.S President Donald Trump shake hands during conference during the G7 summit on Monday in Biarritz, southweste­rn France. AP PhoTo/FrAncoIs MorI
French President Emmanuel Macron and U.S President Donald Trump shake hands during conference during the G7 summit on Monday in Biarritz, southweste­rn France. AP PhoTo/FrAncoIs MorI

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