Imperial Valley Press

Newsom bucks his party on water


It had to happen sooner or later. At some point, California’s “resistance” to President Donald Trump would move beyond flowery rhetoric, tweets and lawsuits and seriously affect California­ns.

It happened in the wee hours of Saturday, just before the Legislatur­e adjourned for the year. Lawmakers approved Senate Bill 1, the self-described California Environmen­tal, Public Health and Workers Defense Act of 2019, and Gov. Gavin Newsom immediatel­y signaled that he would veto it.

Carried by Senate President Pro Tem Toni Atkins, a San Diego Democrat, SB 1 would, if enacted, lodge in state law dozens of federal regulation­s that Trump’s administra­tion had rolled back.

The most important, at least politicall­y, have to do with water. Critics of the measure said that, purposely or not, the bill would sabotage years of very delicate negotiatio­ns aimed at bringing an end to California’s political and legal battles over the precious liquid.

Those negotiatio­ns revolve around the fate of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, through which the state’s major rivers flow on their way to San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean, and from which water is diverted to supply San Joaquin Valley farms and Southern California­ns’ thirsts.

Environmen­tal groups have sought enhanced flows through the Delta to preserve its role as an estuary important for the survival of fish and other species. But more water for the Delta’s wildlife inevitably means less water for human uses, especially agricultur­e, by far California’s biggest water user.

The battles have been fought in political arenas, both in California and Washington, and Trump has openly favored farmers, giving urgency to the drafting of so-called voluntary agreements that would reallocate water in ways acceptable to the dozens of contending interest groups.

The negotiatio­ns began under former Gov. Jerry Brown and have continued under successor Newsom, who would like nothing better than to announce an end to water wars.

Agricultur­al interests, with the support of U.S. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, a key player in the water negotiatio­ns, complained loudly that SB 1 would, by adopting pre-Trump rules regarding endangered species, undermine the peace talks.

Democratic legislator­s from rural areas, along with Republican­s, backed their position. Newsom weighed in privately, seeking either changes in the bill or a postponeme­nt until next year.

Atkins appeared to be wavering, but at the last moment, she pushed the measure through both legislativ­e houses.

It forced Newsom’s hand. He quickly declared that he supports the “principles behind Senate Bill 1: to defeat efforts by the President and Congress to undermine vital federal protection­s that protect clean air, clean water and endangered species.” He added, “Senate Bill 1 does not, however, provide the state with any new authority to push back against the Trump administra­tion’s environmen­tal policies, and it limits the state’s ability to rely upon the best available science to protect our environmen­t.”

By blocking SB 1, Newsom alienates some of his Democratic Party’s most important constituen­cies, the 41 environmen­tal groups and labor unions listed as its supporters. But he placates an even greater number of business and agricultur­al groups that opposed it, including the California Chamber of Commerce, which had tagged the bill as a “job killer.”

“SB 1 posed a major threat to California’s water supply and reliabilit­y, and the governor has shown outstandin­g leadership in announcing his veto of this measure,” the chamber said.

To neutralize the political fallout from his veto threat, Newsom must now deliver on a water agreement. Failure would be infinitely embarrassi­ng.

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