Imperial Valley Press

Zimbabwe doctors march as abducted leader is still missing

- BY FARAI MUTSAKA Zimbabwean doctors sing and dance as they protest in Harare, on Wednesday. AP PHOTO/TSVANGIRAY­I

HARARE, Zimbabwe — A line of baton-wielding police on Wednesday stopped a march by Zimbabwean doctors protesting the alleged abduction of a union leader as fears grew about government repression — and about his fate.

The Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Associatio­n has said its president, Peter Magombeyi, was seized Saturday after calling for a pay strike, and members say they will not return to work until he is found.

The southern African nation’s health care system has largely collapsed in recent years along with the economy.

More than 50 government critics and activists have been abducted this year, at times tortured and warned by suspected state security agents to back off from anti-government actions. One woman was forced to drink raw sewage, Human Rights Watch said in a statement, adding that no one has been arrested over the “alarming spike” in abductions.

“All these abductions are people breaking into homes, masked and carrying military weapons such as AK-47s,” human rights lawyer Doug Coltart said. “But typically we have seen them found within a few hours. In the few instances when that has not happened, they were found dead in mortuaries months later. So the fact that we are four days and there is no sign of him is of extreme concern.”

Some in Zimbabwe have openly worried that the government of President Emmerson Mnangagwa is becoming more repressive than that of longtime leader Robert Mugabe, who died earlier this month. Mugabe was accused of using abductions to silence critics, and some have never been found.

Several dozen doctors chanted and sang as they tried to march to Parliament from the country’s biggest hospital, Parirenyat­wa, in Harare. Police insisted they seek approval for the demonstrat­ion first.

The doctors’ associatio­n represents hundreds of newly qualified doctors doing their residencie­s. Health profession­als at other government hospitals across Zimbabwe have gone on strike in solidarity, union leaders told The Associated Press.

But it carries risks. The secretary-general of the Zimbabwe Nurses Associatio­n, Nhema Edwick, said he had received anonymous death threats for bargaining for more pay for nurses.

“The government should stop targeting us as union leaders. All we are asking for is a living wage. I am also living in fear,” he told the cheering demonstrat­ors.

Senior doctors said they have stopped working as well.

“It is much easier to produce one person (Magombeyi) than to convince us to return to work. No Peter, no work,” said Bothwell Mbuwayesan­go, a pediatric surgeon.

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