Imperial Valley Press

US, El Salvador sign asylum deal, details to be worked out


NEW YORK (AP) — The United States on Friday signed an agreement that paves the way for the U.S. to send many asylum-seekers to one of the world’s most violent countries, El Salvador.

But both countries must first take necessary legal actions and implement major border security and asylum procedures before it would go into effect, according to a draft copy of the agreement obtained by The Associated Press.

The deal is the latest ambitious step taken by the Trump administra­tion to lean on other nations — many of them notoriousl­y violent — to take in immigrants to stop the flow of migrants to the U.S.-Mexico border.

U.S. immigratio­n officials also are forcing more than 42,000 people to remain in Mexico as their cases play out and have changed policy to deny asylum to anyone who transited through a third country en route to the southern border of the U.S.

Curbing immigratio­n is a signature political issue for Trump and one that thrills his supporters. But the U.S. is also managing a crush of migrants at the border that has strained the system.

Acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan and El Salvador’s foreign minister, Alexandra Hill Tinoco, signed the “cooperativ­e asylum agreement” in a live-streamed press conference on Friday.

They lauded the two countries for working together to stem migration to the U.S. but provided few details about the agreement.

Condemnati­on from migrant and refugee advocates was swift.

“Where will they declare a haven for asylum seekers next? Syria? North Korea? This is cynical and absurd. El Salvador is in no way safe for asylum seekers,” said Refugees Internatio­nal President Eric Schwartz.

Meghan Lopez, country director for El Salvador at the Internatio­nal Rescue Committee, said the U.S. government is “attempting once more to turn its back on extremely vulnerable people.”

“El Salvador is not safe for many of its own nationals and is struggling to meet their needs, which is why many seek asylum in the United States. It is unrealisti­c to expect El Salvador to be able to offer protection to asylum-seekers fleeing conditions comparable to those in El Salvador.”

El Salvadoran­s are excluded from the agreement, according to the draft.

McAleenan, who called the agreement “a big step forward,” and Hill Tinoco discussed U.S. assistance in making El Salvador a safer and more prosperous place for its citizens. Hill Tinoco talked about ending gang violence.

“I mean, those individual­s threaten people, those individual­s kill people, those individual­s request for the poorest and most vulnerable population to pay just to cross the street,” she said, adding that her country needs more investment from the U.S. and other nations.

The agreement, first reported by The Associated Press, could lead to migrants from third countries obtaining refuge in El Salvador if they pass through that country on their way to the U.S., Hill Tinoco said in an interview with the AP.

But she said most migrants who travel north don’t pass through El Salvador, which is on the western edge of Central America and is much smaller geographic­ally than its neighbor to the east, Honduras.

She told The AP the details would need to be hammered out, including border security, asylum procedures and potential aid from the U.S. She said the agreement is a starting point, and they expected negotiatio­ns on possible aid to continue.

“It has to be a real partnershi­p,” she said, which means the U.S. would have to give something.

The country’s new president, Nayib Bukele, has made clear he wishes to be an ally to the U.S., Hill Tinoco said.

“It is a complete 180 in terms of foreign policy,” she said.

McAleenan said the agreement advanced El Salvador’s commitment to developing an asylum framework, with help from the U.N. High Commission­er for Refugees.

“This will build on the good work we have accomplish­ed already with El Salvador’s neighbor, Guatemala, in building protection capacity to try to further our efforts to provide opportunit­ies to seek protection for political, racial, religious or social group persecutio­n as close as possible to the origin of individual­s that need it,” he said.

Guatemala officials are still working on how to implement a “safe third country” agreement with the U.S. signed earlier this summer.

The arrangemen­t with El Salvador was not described as a safe third country agreement, under which nations agree that their respective countries are safe enough and have robust enough asylum systems, so that if migrants transit through one of the countries they must remain there instead of moving on to another country.

The U.S. officially has only one such agreement in place, with Canada.

The Trump administra­tion this year threatened to withhold all federal assistance to El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras unless they did more to end the migrant crisis.

The move was met by stiff resistance in Congress as experts had said the cuts would likely only exacerbate the number of migrants seeking to make the hazardous journey to the U.S. because of a further lack of resources.

 ?? AP Photo/PAbLo MArtInez MonSIVAIS ?? Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan signs an agreement with El Salvador Foreign Affairs Minister Alexandra Hill during news conference at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection headquarte­rs in Washington, on Friday.
AP Photo/PAbLo MArtInez MonSIVAIS Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan signs an agreement with El Salvador Foreign Affairs Minister Alexandra Hill during news conference at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection headquarte­rs in Washington, on Friday.

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