Imperial Valley Press

‘Ad Astra’ features the vastness of space and Brad Pitt’s face

- By Ed SymkuS

The Latin words of this space travel epic’s title translate as “to the stars.” And even though the story’s journey only covers the 2.7 billion miles between Earth and Neptune — not quite as far as the stars — it boasts an undeniable magnificen­ce. This is a massive science fiction film that features small bursts of action and some dazzling visual effects, but comes across more as quiet and ethereal.

You know there’s something different about it from the moment the 20th Century Fox logo appears on the screen because there’s no familiar fanfare accompanyi­ng it — just silence, followed by the informatio­n that it takes place in the “near future” and that mankind is in the process of “looking to the stars.”

The purpose for doing that is to make contact with whatever else might be out there, and in short order, we meet Major Roy McBride (Brad Pitt), an astronaut preparing to visit the Internatio­nal Space Antenna that’s orbiting the Earth and sending signals into deep space, and hoping to receive replies. Roy is a second-generation space explorer; though his dad, Cliff McBride (Tommy Lee Jones), actually rocketed out there, many years before, visiting distant planets in his search for intelligen­t life and was last heard from near Neptune, before vanishing.

Both a problem and a question are presented early on. The problem: While Roy is on the ISA, there’s a power surge up there that sets off big explosions and sends him hurtling Earthward until a parachute miraculous­ly lands him safely. The question: Could that power surge as well as others like it all over the planet that are killing thousands of people be emanating from Neptune, under the command of the missing Cliff?

This never feels like an adventure film.

This is intelligen­t, cerebral science fiction. It’s accessible though, probably because of Pitt’s acting.

 ?? CeNtury Fox tWeNtIetH ?? major Roy mcBride (Brad Pitt) wonders where he’s going and where he’s been.
CeNtury Fox tWeNtIetH major Roy mcBride (Brad Pitt) wonders where he’s going and where he’s been.

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