Imperial Valley Press

There’s no ‘magic number’ that triggers statin treatment


At the end of January, I had my yearly physical, and my doctor recommende­d that I start taking a statin drug. I am a female, 71 years old and take no prescripti­on drugs now. At the end of the physical the doctor told me that I am “very healthy.”

My cholestero­l is 212 with an HDL of 39. My blood pressure is 106/ 60. I chose to have a heart score screening done for my knowledge. Based on Mesa risk score, I am in the 64th percentile for age, gender and race with a total coronary calcium score of 55.

I really hate to start on a statin. I have never been on a diet, but the day I left her office I began the Mediterran­ean diet and plan to continue indefinite­ly. I am very active and get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. I believe in doing all I can before taking any type of drug.

I appreciate your time and would very much value your opinion on this matter. -- M. J. G.

The calcium score is a test that uses a CT scan to provide informatio­n on a person’s likelihood of developing a heart attack. It gives complement­ary prognostic value to the standard risks, such as your age and sex, cholestero­l and blood pressure.

Statin drugs reduce risk for developing a heart attack, but should never be used indiscrimi



nately. The higher the risk of developing heart disease, the greater the value of a statin. There is no single “magic number” that defines when people should get a statin drug. A person’s own preference­s, and the multiple other risk factors that aren’t considered by the calculator­s ( especially family history, diet, exercise, stress and relationsh­ips) affect the decision. However, the calculator­s are a place to start. The American Heart Associatio­n, American College of Cardiology and others recommend starting statin therapy at a level of 7.5%.

When I put all the informatio­n you gave me into the calculator at tinyurl. com/ Mesa- risk,

I get a 10- year risk of 5.3%. Given your strong desire to avoid medicine, your new diet and your good exercise, I would not recommend a statin drug for you.

I read your recent column on intertrigo [ a red rash in moist areas where skin rubs together] and had a suggestion that may be helpful.

I was having radiation therapy for breast cancer and the area under my breast was very sore and inflamed. I bought coiled cotton at a beauty supply shop ( plain, not reinforced). I would take a section and triple fold it and place it under the breast. It was such a relief. I still use it in warm weather. If the cotton gets damp or wet, it is simple to change it out. -- S. R.

I appreciate your writing. Keeping the inflamed area dry is an important part of the treatment. Cotton is very absorbent and will keep the skin folds from rubbing against each other. This might help people with intertrigo from many causes, not just in the inflammati­on related to radiation.



Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporat­e them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGood­Health@med. cornell. edu or send mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

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