Imperial Valley Press

ABC of combating summer slide


While on summer break, kids commonly lose some of the learning momentum from the previous school year. It's a phenomenon casually referred to as the "summer slide."

A report from the Northwest Evaluation Associatio­n found students in thirdfifth grades lost about 20% of their school-year gains in reading and 27% in math, on average, during summer break.

After such an abrupt end to formal curriculum, the slide could be a little steeper for kids in the fall. However, summer plans for families likely look different this year. More free time may make it easier to build in time for educationa­l activities, which can also offer an escape during this uncertain time.

Allow for reading aloud. According to the National Associatio­n for the Education of Young Children, reading aloud is the single most important activity for reading success as it helps build word-sound awareness. Encourage your child to play teacher and read aloud books, magazines, or comics to family members, pets or even stuffed animals.

Begin a book club. Read the same books as your children then discuss what you all read over a shared snack or gathered around the dinner table. Joining in shows the importance of prioritizi­ng reading during the summer.

Check into services offered by libraries. If possible, make use of local libraries, many of which offer free online resources and have extended due dates. Inquire about online services offered in your area and how your family can participat­e in programs taking place over the summer.

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