Imperial Valley Press

Immigrants test positive


At least 15 immigrants housed in a shelter have tested positive for SARS CoV-2.

Alfa y Omega shelter manager Tomas Diosdado told La Crónica newspaper those who tested positive included the shelter manager himself.

The manager told the news outlet that the Mexican government has left the shelter to deal with the problem on its own after public health agencies denied services.

Diosdado said the Mexican government denied cleaning supplies and food even though those housed in the shelter are immigrants returned to Mexico through the U.S. Migrant Protection Protocol, which requires those seeking asylum to remain on Mexican soil while their hearing dates are set.

In order to avoid further disease spread, the shelter was closed to new immigrants.

Due to the lack of food and supplies, immigrants were obliged to go out and work, which is believed to be how the virus was brought in.

Diosdado was the first to contract the virus. Then, three staff members were infected, and later the virus spread to six more people.

The shelter houses 72 refugees, six of whom are quarantine­d.

Diosdado said those with fever and other symptoms sought help at the Red Cross and the General Hospital, but service was denied.

Mexican government delegate in Baja California Alejandro Ruiz said immigrant shelters have received funds to pay for some expenses like energy and other items, but no additional funds will be provided.

Also, he said all immigrants arriving in Baja California are tested for COVID-19.

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