Imperial Valley Press

Panda escapes from enclosure at Danish zoo; returned safely

BP to cut 10,000 jobs worldwide amid virus pandemic


COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) — One of Copenhagen Zoo’s giant pandas escaped from its enclosure early Monday and roamed the park before sta were able to sedate it and bring it back.

Xing Er, a 7-year-old male who arrived at the zoo last year, was seen on surveillan­ce video breaking out of the newly built, 160 million-kroner ($24.2 million) Panda House that also houses female panda Mao Sun.

Zoo spokesman Bengt Holst said that on the video sta could see how “the male panda crawls up a metal pole, which is studded with three rows of electrical wires ... and then crawls out into the garden.”

He said the park now was looking at making changes to security around the enclosure “to ensure that it does not happen again. “

Zoo sta reacted “quickly and e ciently,” the animal was corned and sedated with a dart without being harmed, he said. Monday’s incident happened before the animal park opened to the public.

“It doesn’t change the fact that we want to avoid that kind of situation in the future,” Holst said.

PARIS (AP) — Works have restarted in Paris’ fire-ravaged Notre Dame cathedral after a hiatus linked to the coronaviru­s pandemic.

On Monday morning operations began to dismantle sca olding that was already in place before the April 2019 fire amid previous restoratio­n efforts on the old structures.

This current phase of works has been deemed highly dangerous because the sca olding weighs over 200 tons, and is thought to have melted together in areas because of the heat of the blaze.

Technician­s will access the interior of the cathedral by rope to dismantle the 40,000 tubes, one by one. This phase is expected to last three months.

President Emmanuel Macron announced a timeline of five years for the conservati­on works, a figure widely deemed unrealisti­c.

 ?? AP PHOTO/THIBAULT CAMUS ?? Workers are lifted at Notre Dame cathedral, Monday in Paris.
AP PHOTO/THIBAULT CAMUS Workers are lifted at Notre Dame cathedral, Monday in Paris.
MADS CLAUS RASMUSSEN/RITZAU ?? This 2019 file photo, shows the panda Xing Er at Copenhagen Zoo.
SCANPIX VIA AP MADS CLAUS RASMUSSEN/RITZAU This 2019 file photo, shows the panda Xing Er at Copenhagen Zoo.

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