Imperial Valley Press

Especially thankful


Last week, Imperial Valley Symphony Orchestra Director Joel Jacklich announced his retirement after several decades at the head of the institutio­n that has distinguis­hed itself by bringing classical music to all members of the community.

Since its inception in the 1970s, the symphony has held concerts and presentati­ons free of charge, leaving its colleagues in similar groups stunned. Each presentati­on has a cost of several thousand dollars that are covered through donations.

Concerts have been regularly held at the Jimmie Cannon Theater at Southwest High School, where those interested can enter without paying a single penny, although organizers strongly request for donations.

In the message published to announce his retirement, the Maestro indicated that after having taught for decades, first full- time and for years as a part- timer, he has decided it was time to pass the baton.

Age and the toll it exacts, combined with the COVID-19 pandemic that affected both the summer and fall semester, compelled the talented multi- instrument­alist to let go. Even so, I can’t imagine that decision was as an easy one.

In addition, new technologi­es required to teach students represent a gigantic challenge for someone who has grown comfortabl­e with traditiona­l instructio­nal methods.

Jacklich states that he will continue to support the Imperial Valley Symphony Orchestra. Of that I have no doubt.

The Maestro has supported the project that saw him rise with a group of enthusiast­ic musicians from the region.

He has also given a helping hand to many others who have needed it — and I mean it.

Two decades ago, yours truly had everything ready to travel to Ciudad Juárez to climb the last rung in order to obtain my permanent residency documents. The problem was the lack of money.

For my fortune and that of my family, my mother got a job with Mr. Jacklich. Given the need for resources, the instructor offered my mother more hours of work and the days she desired. It was in this way that we managed to get enough resources to travel to the largest city of Chihuahua so that I could migrate to my adopted country.

So, indirectly, if you are reading this column it is thanks to the enormous heart of the talented musician.

For this and his dedication to one of the fine arts, this writer extends his deep gratitude to the Maestro, to whom I sincerely wish the best of retreats.

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