Imperial Valley Press

The president helps hawk Bolton’s book


Former national security advisor John Bolton should drop a thank you note in the mail to President Donald Trump and maybe throw in a sleeve of golf balls.

Authors and publishing houses beg and plead for a book review in a big city paper. The best-known authors travel the country visiting bookstores, giving lectures and autographi­ng their books to drum up sales.

Thanks to President Trump, and his personal legal team over at the Department of Justice, John Bolton’s name and photograph are on the front page of every newspaper in the country, and around the world. More importantl­y, right next to Bolton’s name is the title of his soon to be released book, “The Room Where it Happened.”

It all began when Bolton joined the Trump administra­tion. He signed a nondisclos­ure agreement with the government agreeing to submit any manuscript about his tenure to the White House for prepublica­tion review so the government could ensure that it did not contain classified informatio­n.

The Justice Department has acknowledg­ed that Bolton submitted his manuscript for review in the last days of 2019. After a lengthy review the prepublica­tion process was completed and, according to the Washington Post, the “manuscript draft did not contain classified informatio­n.” Get the printing presses rolling -Bolton’s book is ready for release. Well, not so fast, the White House’s senior director for intelligen­ce, Michael Ellis was “concerned that the manuscript still appeared to contain classified informatio­n, in part because the same administra­tion that the author served is still in office and that the manuscript described sensitive informatio­n about ongoing foreign policy issues.”

The White House was so concerned about the possible breach of national security that the Justice Department filed a lawsuit to stop the release of Bolton’s book. The next day, they filed for a restrainin­g order to enjoin Bolton and his publisher Simon & Schuster from releasing the book.There is one obstacle in the way of the DOJ’s effort to muzzle Bolton. The U.S. Constituti­on, namely the First Amendment.

The Justice Department’s efforts to stop “The Room Where it Happened” from being released is known as a prior restraint. Under well-establishe­d First Amendment law there is an almost absolute prohibitio­n against the imposition of prior restraints against the publicatio­n of books and news stories related to public officials.The First Amendment has always stood for the principle that people have a right to publish informatio­n free from government censorship.

Relating to national security, there are some narrow exceptions to a prior restraint. The remedy is prepublica­tion review. Bolton got consent to publish and then White House officials jumped in. As the Washington Post suggested, the White House’s concern is, “(J)ust another way of saying the book includes recent, newsworthy informatio­n of public concern that the president wants to conceal.”

According to the New York Times, Bolton’s lawyer Charles J. Cooper called the DOJ’s lawsuits “a transparen­t attempt to use national security as a pretext to censor Mr. Bolton, in violation of his constituti­onal right to speak on matters of the utmost public import.”

The relationsh­ip between prior restraint and national security was famously tested in 1971. In what became known as the “Pentagon Papers” the Nixon Administra­tion attempted to prevent the New York Times and Washington Post from publishing materials belonging to a classified Defense Department study regarding the history of U.S. activities in Vietnam. Lawyers for President Richard Nixon argued that prior restraint was necessary to protect national security.

The Supreme Court disagreed. The court ruled the government’s use of the vague word “security” should not be the premise “to abrogate the fundamenta­l law embodied in the First Amendment.” The high court reasoned since the publicatio­n of the Pentagon Papers “would not cause an inevitable, direct, and immediate event imperiling the safety of American forces, prior restraint was unjustifie­d.”

Setting the bluster aside, the DOJ has little chance of blocking the release of Bolton’s book or quelling the administra­tion’s embarrassm­ent that follows.

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