Imperial Valley Press

Face mask requiremen­ts for using city parks vary


BRAWLEY — The rules for face coverings at city parks currently vary from city to city.

For instance, in El Centro use of a face covering is strictly required at any of its parks.

The cities of Imperial and Brawley have ruled park goers only need to wear a covering if physical distancing of 6 feet cannot be maintained.

While county parks remain closed, parks in El Centro, Imperial and Brawley are still allowing public access at their parks for walking, running, biking and individual workouts.

Exercise and playground equipment those parks, however, remain closed in precaution against the spread of COVID-19.

The city of El Centro announced on Tuesday that use of face coverings within Bucklin Park or any other city park/ retention basins will now be mandatory. Signage has been posted accordingl­y

A day or two after the city of Brawley’s regular City Council meeting on Tuesday, signage was also posted Cattle Call Park. It reads, “Practice courtesy by using a face covering when social distancing cannot be maintained.”

“As temperatur­es increase, so do mosquito population­s and disease risk, which poses a serious public health threat in our communitie­s,” Public Health Officer Dr. Stephen Munday said. “With many residents at home right now under stay-athome orders, it’s a good time to check around properties and yards for mosquito breeding sources.”

The Public Health Department said its Vector Control Program has approximat­ely 28 mosquito traps placed in strategic areas throughout the county, mostly within city limits. The traps are checked several times a week and mosquito pools are collected weekly.

“Our agency will continue monitoring disease activity and treat affected areas,” said Jeff Lamoure, deputy director of environmen­tal health. “Although the positive mosquitoes have been collected in limited areas, all county residents should take precaution­s, like wearing insect repellent and minimizing outdoor activity at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active.”

Symptoms of Saint Louis encephalit­is include fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, and tiredness. Severe neuro-invasive disease (often involving encephalit­is, an inflammati­on of the brain) is more common in older adults. There are no vaccines to pre

vent nor medication­s to treat SLE.

Most individual­s infected with WNV will not experience any illness. Others will have only mild symptoms, such as fever, headache, and body aches. However, WNV can be severe in the elderly and individual­s with lowered compromise­d immune systems. Severe symptoms of WNV include fever, nausea, vomiting, and seizures.

Both SLE and WNV are transmitte­d to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds.

Individual­s can reduce their risk of mosquito-borne diseases by taking the following precaution­s:

• Limit time outdoors during dawn and early evening.

• When outdoors, wear loose-fitting, light-colored, longsleeve shirts and pants when mosquitoes are most active (during dusk and dawn).

• Apply insect repellent that contains DEET, Picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus according to label instructio­ns to prevent mosquito bites.

• Make sure that doors and windows have tight-fitting screens. Repair or replace screens that have tears or holes.

• Eliminate all sources of standing water on your property that can support mosquito breeding by draining or eliminatin­g, old tires, buckets, plastic covers, toys, or any

other container where mosquitoes can breed; emptying and changing the water in bird baths, fountains, wading pools, rain barrels, and potted plant trays at least once a week to destroy potential mosquito habitats; draining or filling temporary pools of water with dirt; and keeping swimming pool water treated and circulatin­g.

• Contact Vector Control if there is a significan­t mosquito problem where you live or work.

If you think you or anyone in your household has symptoms that are causing you concern, contact your healthcare provider.

The U.S. Environmen­tal Protection Agency has a useful search tool the public can use to find the repellent products most appropriat­e for them and their families. The tool is available at insect-repellents/find-repellentr­ight-you.

For general informatio­n about WNV or to report a problem with mosquitos in Imperial County, please contact (442) 265-1888.

For informatio­n about WNV, visit or www.icphd. org/environmen­tal-health/bee— mosquitoes/west-nile-virus/.

For additional informatio­n related to Saint Louis encephalit­is, please visit the California Department of Public Health Department website: DCDC/Pages/SLE.aspx.

 ?? PHOTO VINCENT OSUNA ?? A view of Bucklin Park on Friday in El Centro. Signage was recently placed at the park to remind park goers that a face covering is required while being in the park.
PHOTO VINCENT OSUNA A view of Bucklin Park on Friday in El Centro. Signage was recently placed at the park to remind park goers that a face covering is required while being in the park.

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