Imperial Valley Press

Tips to grandchild-proof your home

- For more informatio­n, check out the American Cleaning Institute’s Packets Up! campaign, cleaningin­­drypackets­afety. BY MELISSA ERICKSON More Content Now

Caring for grandchild­ren can be joyful and exhausting, but it’s most certainly a responsibi­lity. It’s easy to forget how to keep them safe from potentiall­y dangerous, everyday household items like cleaning supplies.

“You often think about car seat safety, gates on stairs and how to prevent drowning or burns, but what about laundry room safety or storage of products used in the kitchen?” said Brian Sansoni, senior vice president of communicat­ion, outreach and membership at the American Cleaning Institute.

For those who normally don’t have children roaming the house, it can be easy to forget what necessary precaution­s should be in place where cleaning products are stored, including the kitchen, bathroom, garage and laundry room.

Accidents can happen quickly

“Although the laundry room is usually home to many cleaning products and can be one of the busiest spots in the house, it can easily go overlooked when it comes to safety,” Sansoni said.

Almost 70% of parents with children younger than 4 said their laundry room is accessible to their children, and more than 50% said they do laundry while their children are in the same room, according to a recent survey conducted by the American Cleaning Institute,

“Children are naturally curious and tend to explore with their hands and their mouths,” Sansoni said. “Accidental exposures to liquid laundry packets and other cleaning products can happen in a split-second, but can be easily prevented by practicing simple safety habits during the daily routine.”

The cleaning, household and hygiene products we depend on will do their jobs safely if stored and used properly, Sansoni said.

“All hygiene, cleaning and disinfecti­ng products should be used as directed ... It is up to all of us to use them properly and store them safely to prevent unintended injuries. Staying healthy also means being safe,” he said.

Read the labels

A recent report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that about 1 in 3 adults used chemicals or disinfecta­nts unsafely while trying to protect against COVID-19.

“Clearly there’s a lot of improvemen­t we want to see here,” Sansoni said. “When using any cleaning product, you should always read and follow the label directions for effective results and to ensure safe handling.”

Store up and out of sight

One trend to avoid is storing cleaning products like laundry packets in clear containers or glass jars.

“While this can be tempting and aesthetica­lly pleasing, it is vital to keep cleaning products stored in the original packaging with labels intact, so you have that informatio­n in the event of an emergency,” Sansoni said. “Product labels are designed with easy-touse instructio­ns and safety protocols that are quick to reference.”

All cleaning products should be stored up and out of sight and reach from young children, preferably in a cabinet with doors.

“If you don’t have a cabinet available, place all cleaning products in their original packaging into a larger bin and store them where those at risk won’t be able to see it,” Sansoni said.

Notice important safety instructio­ns that could be useful to poison control centers should an accident occur, Sansoni said.

“Be sure to completely close and seal all cleaning products during and after use to avoid any accidental exposures,” he said.

Some other helpful safety tips include:

• When purchasing liquid laundry packets and household cleaners, have them bagged separately and put them away in their designated safe storage spot — out of sight and out of reach — as soon as you get home.

• Have the Poison Help Line (800222-1222) handy and call immediatel­y if an accidental exposure occurs.

• Conduct routine safety checks in the home to prevent accidents, particular­ly ahead of a visit from a grandchild or younger family members.

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