Imperial Valley Press

An official crusade against Propositio­n 22


Reasonable people can disagree whether the business model of Uber, Lyft and other transporta­tion services is a model of flexible parttime work or cruelly exploits non-employee workers.

Their drivers, often using their own vehicles, are paid by the ride, giving rise to the term “gig economy.”

Uber, et al, contend that they give drivers opportunit­ies to voluntaril­y supplement their incomes by working whenever it suits them. It’s not uncommon for someone to simultaneo­usly drive for both Uber and Lyft.

The model, however, is unsettling to unions and their political allies, who contend that it deprives gig workers of rights and benefits of being on the payroll, such as contributi­ons for Social Security and Medicare benefits and overtime pay. As independen­t contractor­s, gig workers also cannot be union members.

Two years ago, the state Supreme Court essentiall­y declared gig work to be an illegal misclassif­ication and the Legislatur­e followed up with a hotly contested measure, Assembly Bill 5, that put the decision into law with very few exceptions.

Uber, et al, responded with a ballot measure that would exempt them from the legislatio­n while offering gig workers some employee-like benefits.

Ostensibly, then, voters will decide whether gig work is an appropriat­e new model or an abominatio­n when they either pass or reject Propositio­n 22.

However, the anti-Propositio­n 22 coalition — unions and their political allies — is not content to just let voters decide, but is waging an all-out pre-election crusade through official channels, essentiall­y inserting government into a political campaign.

Attorney General Xavier Becerra signaled pre-campaign hostilitie­s by giving Propositio­n 22 a slanted official title: “Exempts app-based transporta­tion and delivery companies from providing employee benefits to certain drivers.”

It closely mirrors the anti-Propositio­n 22 campaign theme and the companies challenged it in court, only to lose as judges affirmed Becerra’s wide discretion to write ballot measure summaries.

Becerra and some city attorneys also sued Uber and Lyft for continuing to classify their drivers as independen­t contractor­s despite the passage of AB 5 and this week, San Francisco Superior Court Judge Ethan Schulman ruled against the companies.

Schulman said the companies’ employment practices are depriving drivers “of the panoply of basic rights to which employees are entitled under California law.”

“Our state and workers shouldn’t have to foot the bill when big businesses try to skip out on their responsibi­lities,” Becerra said in a statement. “We’re going to keep working to make sure Uber and Lyft play by the rules.”

“The vast majority of drivers want to work independen­tly, and we’ve already made significan­t changes to our app to ensure that remains the case under California law,” Uber spokespers­on Davis White said in a statement.

A few days earlier, state Labor Commission­er Lilia Garcia-Brower sued Uber and Lyft to recover back wages for drivers who allegedly had been cheated out of pay by misclassif­ication, thus inserting Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administra­tion into the pre-Propositio­n 22 drive.

Finally, the author of AB 5, Assemblywo­man Lorena Gonzalez, a San Diego Democrat, has proposed another crackdown in a new bill.

Assembly Bill 1066 would allow the Department of Employment Developmen­t to delegate collection of unemployme­nt insurance payroll taxes to Becerra’s office. It specifical­ly mentions going after companies using “misclassif­ied independen­t contractor­s.”

The battle that pits the gig worker companies against unions and Democratic politician­s began when the state’s economy was booming. In the throes of deep recession, Propositio­n 22’s fate may hinge on whether voters perceive gig work as a lifeline for the unemployed or see gig companies as part of the economic problem.

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