Imperial Valley Press

Surviving THE election

How to protect yourself from the stress of politics


We interrupt your latest binge of breaking political news, fear-provoking campaign commercial­s and angry posts from your favorite pundit to report that politics can be stressful.

That stress can be bad for your health. But — some good news here — you can take steps to manage it.

If the election has your heart racing and stomach churning, you have company. According to the American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n’s Stress in America survey for July, 77% of Democrats and 62% of Republican­s said the political climate was a significan­t source of stress.

A study published last September in the journal PLoS ONE hinted at the toll such stress can take: Roughly a fifth or more of 800 respondent­s reported losing sleep, being fatigued or suffering depression because of politics. More than 11% said politics had hurt their physical health at least a little.

That’s a lot of stress-sick people, said the study’s lead author, Kevin B. Smith, the Leland J. and Dorothy H. Olson Chair of Political Science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

“You’re talking about tens of millions of people who say, ‘ I’m losing sleep because of politics. I’ve lost a friend because of politics,’” Smith said.

Melissa DeJonckhee­re, an assistant professor in the department of family medicine at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, had similar findings in a smaller survey that questioned 14- to 24-year-olds about the 2016 presidenti­al election. Before the election, 86% reported issues such as anxiety, fear or the feeling that things were out of their control. About a fifth reported physical problems — not being able to sleep, and even nausea.

It was a nonpartisa­n problem, she said. “Even people who said that they don’t follow politics, or they’re explicitly not interested in any of the candidates, were still having negative emotional responses to the election.”

That research, published in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health in 2018, noted that stress in youth has been linked to cardiovasc­ular disease, depression, substance abuse, behavioral problems and more in adolescent­s, plus problems in adulthood.

Smith, who has done extensive work on the biology of political behavior, said the question of whether political stress affects us differentl­y than other types of stress hasn’t been answered. But he suspects a few modern factors might be making things worse.

“We have an incredibly polarized political environmen­t right now,” he said. And thanks to smartphone­s and computers, we’re constantly soaking in it.

“It’s just omnipresen­t in our lives,” he said. He contrasted it to the stress that comes from, say, being a football fan. He is one, and every year, “I produce a lot of stomach acid over the Dallas Cowboys’ playoff chances. But the football season ends, and that stress goes away.

“The political season never ends.” The anxiety is not always accidental. Campaigns can feed off of fear, said Dr. Robert Waldinger, a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School in Boston and director of the Harvard Study of Adult Developmen­t. After all, they’re trying to make voters choose sides.

Couple that with the divisions that have been fanned about how to respond to the coronaviru­s, he said, and “our bodies are much more in chronic fight-or-flight mode than they probably were before the pandemic.”

To cope, Waldinger — who is also a Zen priest — recommends regulating your exposure to the constant stream of scary political news.

“One of my meditation teachers has a quote that I really like. She said, ‘ Your mind is like tofu; it tastes like whatever you marinate it in,’” he said. He stays informed by reading the newspaper in the morning, later listens to a little radio, but avoids TV entirely. “And I try my best to stay away from the news feed on my phone.”

However you choose to get news, “be careful and be deliberate,” Waldinger said. “And don’t do it late in the day as you’re wanting to settle down and sleep.”

DeJonckhee­re said unpublishe­d findings suggest that her young participan­ts found relief by becoming more civically engaged.

“The youth in our study talked about taking on activist roles, volunteeri­ng, taking more classes to learn about how politics affects them,” she said.

She thought that could be particular­ly important for people who are too young to vote, because it could give them a sense of control and purpose, which can help reduce stress and improve mental health.

According to the American Psychologi­cal Associatio­n’s Stress in America survey for July, 77% of Democrats and 62% of Republican­s said the political climate was a significan­t source of stress.

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