Imperial Valley Press

NY to local government­s: Enforce virus rules or face fines


NEW YORK (AP) — New York state’s daily count of new coronaviru­s cases topped 1,500 for the first time since late May as Gov. Andrew Cuomo warned local government­s Friday that they’ll face fines if they don’t enforce social distancing and mask rules.

Officials are increasing­ly concerned about virus flare-ups in parts of New York City and suburban Rockland and Orange counties. Although an oft-cited measure of the virus’ spread — the percentage of tests that come back positive — is about 1.3% statewide, it’s over 6% in a group of about 20 ZIP codes under scrutiny, Cuomo said. And the raw number of new cases reported statewide on Thursday hit 1,598, the most since May 27, when considerab­ly fewer New Yorkers were tested: about 65,000, compared to 119,000 on Thursday.

“The hot spots are a significan­t problem,” Cuomo said Friday in a conference call with reporters, and “compliance is not where it needs to be.”

The Democratic governor has complained for days that local government­s haven’t been cracking down enough on violations of state virus safety regulation­s. He ratcheted up pressure Friday by saying the state health commission­er would tell local officials in hot spots that they have to step up enforcemen­t and can be fined up to $10,000 a day if their efforts are found wanting.

New York City said it had inspected nearly 1,000 businesses in the last three days.

“We’re enforcing guidelines with the speed and rigor this crisis demands – not because we fear fines, but because we know our measures will help combat this crisis,” mayoral spokesman Mitch Schwartz said in a statement.

Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday he was dispatchin­g hundreds of city workers to the zones of concern to hand out masks and issue fines if people refused to put them on in places where they could be within 6 feet (1.8 meters) of others.

Some 130 warnings and 16 violation citations were issued Wednesday alone, according to the mayor. Among other steps, the city has also told businesses they can be shuttered for “repeated noncomplia­nce.”

 ?? CUOMO VIA AP ?? In this Sept. 29 file photo provided by the Office of New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, Gov. Cuomo delivers a COVID-19 update during a briefing in New York City.
CUOMO VIA AP In this Sept. 29 file photo provided by the Office of New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, Gov. Cuomo delivers a COVID-19 update during a briefing in New York City.

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