Imperial Valley Press

Migrants cross Guatemala despite government threats


MORALES, Guatemala (AP) — Threats from Guatemala’s president to deport migrants who entered the country illegally and the rigors of walking down tropical highways led dozens of migrants to begin the journey back to Honduras Friday even as hundreds more continued trudging toward Mexico.

“The dream is over for the moment,” said Edwin Pineda, who waited for a bus that would return his family to Honduras on Friday. He was traveling with his wife, 4-year-old son and fatherin-law, but two days of walking and already depleted funds made him reconsider.

“Maybe next time I’ll try it alone,” said the 25-year-old man.

Others pushed on, beginning their walk before sunrise. Guatemala immigratio­n authoritie­s said the migrants had split between two routes with about 700 travelling north to Peten aboard trucks and minibuses and 400 walking and taking buses west toward the capital. Another 800 were still walking in small groups toward the point where the routes diverge.

In Mexico, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador suggested Friday that the estimated 2,000 migrants who set out from San Pedro Sula, Honduras had perhaps

been organized with the upcoming U.S. elections in mind.

“I think it has to do with the election in the United States,” López Obrador said Friday. “I don’t have all the elements, but there are indication­s that it formed with that purpose. I don’t know to whose benefit, but we’re not naive.”

The new group was reminiscen­t of a migrant caravan that formed two years ago shortly before U.S. midterm elections. It became a hot issue in the campaign, fueling anti-immigrant rhetoric.

On Thursday, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei vowed to return the migrants to Honduras, citing efforts to contain the pandemic.

“The order has been given to detain all those who entered illegally, and return them to the border of their country,” Giammattei said in a broadcast address to the nation. “We will not allow any foreigner who has used illegal means to enter the country, to think that they have the right to come and infect us and put us at serious risk.”

Giammattei issued an order that would suspend some constituti­onal rights in the provinces they were expected to pass through, apparently in order to facilitate detaining them.

On Friday morning, most of those leaving appeared to be doing so voluntaril­y, in some cases accepting rides back to the border from authoritie­s in patrol vehicles and army trucks.

At one point near Morales, Guatemala, a soldier with a megaphone told migrants that it was dangerous for them to continue and some voluntaril­y climbed aboard. Guatemala’s immigratio­n agency reported Friday that 108 migrants had voluntaril­y agreed to return to Honduras. Another 25 unaccompan­ied minors were in the care of social services.

Guatemala had just reopened its borders, closed for months because of the pandemic, in September. About 2,000 migrants pushed their way through border guards into Guatemala Thursday.

Honduran migrants said they had decided to leave when they saw calls on social media for a new caravan to depart Oct. 1. But the factors that have pushed them to migrate remain the same. The pandemic has plunged an already struggling economy deeper into trouble. Migrants said they couldn’t find work and those who had jobs before lost them when the pandemic struck. They felt forced to leave to provide for their families.

Migrant caravans from Central America gained popularity in recent years because they provided some degree of safety in numbers and allowed those who couldn’t afford to pay a smuggler to attempt the trip to the United States.

At first, they received generous support from the communitie­s they passed, especially in southern Mexico. Last year, however, U.S. President Donald Trump threatened crippling tariffs on Mexican imports if that government did not slow the flow of migrants to the U.S. border. Mexico responded by deploying the National Guard and more immigratio­n agents to intercept large groups of migrants.

The last attempted caravan was broken up by Mexican guardsmen in January. Hundreds of migrants crossed into Mexico, were allowed to walk for several hours up a rural highway and then detained.

This week, Mexico has been warning that it will enforce its immigratio­n laws and even prosecute people who knowingly put public health at risk.

Even if the migrants were allowed to cross Mexico without interferen­ce, the U.S. has essentiall­y closed its border to legal immigratio­n and entering illegally is as difficult as ever.

 ?? AP PHOTO/MOISES CASTILLO ?? Honduran migrants rest in Puerto Barrios, Guatemala, Friday. About 2,000 Honduran migrants hoping to reach the United States entered Guatemala on foot Thursday, but Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei vowed to detain them and return them to their home country saying they represente­d a health threat amid efforts to contain the coronaviru­s pandemic.
AP PHOTO/MOISES CASTILLO Honduran migrants rest in Puerto Barrios, Guatemala, Friday. About 2,000 Honduran migrants hoping to reach the United States entered Guatemala on foot Thursday, but Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei vowed to detain them and return them to their home country saying they represente­d a health threat amid efforts to contain the coronaviru­s pandemic.

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