Imperial Valley Press

Drubbed in 2018, California GOP looks to regain House seats


LOS ANGELES (AP) — California’s tarnished Republican Party is hoping to rebound in a handful of U.S. House races but its candidates must overcome widespread loathing for President Donald Trump and voting trends that have made the nation’s most populous state an exemplar of Democratic strength.

The presidenti­al contest is essentiall­y over in California — Trump lost by more than 4 million votes to Hillary Clinton in 2016 and appears headed for another drubbing from Joe Biden and vice presidenti­al nominee Kamala Harris, the home-state senator.

California’s GOP has been sinking for years but the party is hoping to change course by tapping into voter frustratio­n in a cluster of House districts lost to Democrats in 2018, including in the one-time GOP stronghold of Orange County sandwiched between Los Angeles and San Diego.

Candidates have been trying to make Sacramento’s lopsided government a defining issue, faulting the state’s dominant Democrats for the homeless crisis plaguing big cities, high taxes that could soon go up again and government coronaviru­s orders that shuttered businesses and closed gyms, beaches and parks.

Republican chances of gaining ground remain uncertain, as early voting begins Monday for the Nov. 3 election. State Democrats tend to turn out in droves in presidenti­al election years, and it’s not yet clear how the fight over the U.S. Supreme Court vacancy might influence who goes to the polls.

California was the launching pad for Republican Presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, and GOP nominees carried the state in nine of 10 presidenti­al elections from 1952 to 1988. But California’s politics changed with a diversifyi­ng population and the GOP’s recent record speaks for itself: Republican­s hold just seven of the state’s 53 House seats, and the party hasn’t won a statewide race in California since 2006.

Democrats outnumber registered Republican­s by nearly 2-1 statewide and have commanding majorities in both chambers of the Legislatur­e. In a tally released last week, Republican­s were able to narrowly overtake the number of registered independen­ts after the GOP had been pushed into humiliatin­g third-place status. Democrats still have a wide lead.

To win, GOP candidates have to contend with Trump leading the ticket. He is out of step with most California voters on climate change, immigratio­n and reproducti­ve rights. Independen­ts who make up nearly 1-in-4 voters tend to lean Democratic, and new registrati­ons are dominated by younger Asians and Hispanics who rank among the state’s most liberal voters. And GOP candidates need to win back suburbanit­es who

recoiled from the Trump agenda in 2018 and helped return the House to Democratic control.

Some of the seven seats the party lost two years ago will be tough to reclaim.

In Orange County’s 45th District, firstterm Rep. Katie Porter has emerged as a Democratic star and fundraisin­g powerhouse with nearly $7 million in the bank at the end of June, dwarfing the $334,000 held by GOP rival Greg Raths.

In the 49th District, a one-time Republican stronghold that runs through Orange and San Diego counties, Democrats now hold a thin registrati­on edge, a favorable sign for freshman Democratic Rep. Mike Levin in his fight against Republican challenger Brian Maryott.

Democrats would love to retire Republican Rep. Devin Nunes, a Trump loyalist, in the Central Valley, but the 22nd District has a GOP tilt and Nunes won by 5 points in 2018.

Snapshots of key races:


In 2018 Democrat Katie Hill captured the 25th District, the last Republican-held House seat anchored in Los Angeles County. It was a short-lived celebratio­n: She resigned last year amid a House ethics probe and Republican Mike Garcia notched a comfortabl­e win in a May special election to fill the vacancy.

November brings a rematch between the congressma­n and Christy Smith, the Democratic legislator he defeated last spring. Garcia, a former Navy fighter pilot and defense industry executive, and Smith, a former school board member, together spent over $6 million by the end of June, with the final tally likely to make the race one of the most expensive in the nation.

The swing district, which includes a slice of Ventura County that is home to the Ronald Reagan Presidenti­al Library, has a Democratic registrati­on edge.


Two years ago Democrat TJ Cox surprised U.S. Rep. David Valadao in the farm belt’s 21st District, ousting the Republican incumbent by 862 votes. The rematch this year is expected to be close again, despite the district’s 17-point Democratic registrati­on edge.

Valadao endorsed Trump after withholdin­g his backing in 2016 — a risk in a district the president lost by 15 points — but he also emphasizes he has broken with the White House at times, including criticizin­g the administra­tion for family separation­s at the border.

 ?? AP Photo/Andrew Harnik ?? In this 2019 file photo, Rep. T.J. Cox, D-Calif., of California’s 21st Congressio­nal district, speaks at a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington.
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik In this 2019 file photo, Rep. T.J. Cox, D-Calif., of California’s 21st Congressio­nal district, speaks at a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington.

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