Imperial Valley Press

Skills that make a good leader

- By Kaila Kea ZipRecruit­

Many employers are interested in job candidates who possess leadership qualities. This is a good indicator that you can take on more managerial responsibi­lity as you grow with a company. Here are some top leadership skills:


Written and verbal communicat­ion that is clear, appropriat­e and useful is the way your colleagues understand what you are asking of them. If you make it easy for people to understand your questions, instructio­ns, comments and guidance, they can easily follow your lead.


Good leaders understand the importance of their team. Collaborat­ing helps forge partnershi­ps to get the job done and promote inclusion, ensuring that everyone is heard equally.

Assess your current approach to collaborat­ion. Ask yourself:

• How well do I partner with team members?

• Do I work with everyone equally or only the people that I know well?

• Do I have strong people skills?

If you find that you need improvemen­t, the best thing to do is be mindful to practice better habits. For example, before the close of your next meeting, ask if everyone feels that they have been heard. A collaborat­ive leader employs a purposeful effort to help the team work well profession­ally and socially.

Active listening

Make a conscious effort to understand what people are saying. Dedicate greater attention to conversati­ons you hold throughout the day and clarify when necessary.


The ability to speak from a deep understand­ing of a subject is crucial to strong leadership. Learn as much as you can about your industry (including best practices and trends) then determine how to use that informatio­n effectivel­y.


Humility means understand­ing that no matter how much you know there is always more to learn, and others may have insights that are valuable.

Practice humility by seeking feedback from friends and colleagues. Challenge your own outlook by reading literature with an opposing view or doing research about a culture that is different from your own.


Leaders are constantly faced with making decisions both tough and simple. Strong decision-making is well-supported, timely, inclusive and specific.

Learn to recognize and trust your own instincts and have a more deliberati­ve process. You can conduct research, explore your options and consult colleagues for advice. This will help to ensure firm decision-making that is effective and informed.


The strongest leaders are conscious of their own patterns and behaviors, remaining aware of how they interact with the world. When you notice that you feel grumpier without your morning coffee, you are practicing self-awareness. A good leader won’t take their bad day out on their co-workers.

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