Imperial Valley Press

What is dwarfism?

- BY ERIKA ENIGK More Content Now

Have you ever met someone with dwarfism? Maybe you know such a person. Maybe you even are such a person! Today, we’re going to learn about this condition, how dwarf people are the same as others and how they’re di erent. (Hint: There are more similariti­es than di erences!)


People with dwarfism are shorter than people without it. It happens before a person is born, and no one is exactly sure how, but people who have dwarfism are more likely to have a baby who has it than people without.

It might seem a little strange when you’re a kid to meet an adult who is your same height or even shorter, but there are very few other difference­s between people who have dwarfism and people who don’t. There are a few different types of dwarfism, but the most common type only means difference­s in what they look like. Dwarfism has no effect on how smart or capable a person is.

Sometimes people with dwarfism are called “little people” or “dwarf people.” But the best thing YOU can call someone with dwarfism is their name.

Dwarfism and bullying

People with dwarfism were not always treated well and are still bullied today. Hundreds of years ago, many people believed dwarf people had magical powers. In some cultures, they were revered and given high positions in government, but in others, they were abused. They were often made to become circus performers and entertaine­rs, simply because of their short stature. Scientists performed experiment­s on them.

Today, some people still treat dwarf people badly. And if you’ve ever been bullied for any reason, you know how much that must hurt. So if you ever meet someone with dwarfism, don’t stare, and don’t make comments about how they look. They’re a person, just like you.

Activity: Fill your bucket

You already know that bullying is bad, but you’ve probably seen it happen, and maybe you’ve even made a poor choice and been mean to someone. So let’s try to turn that around and put more kindness in the world.

You might have heard of the book “Have You Filled a Bucket Today?” by Carol McCloud. The book talks about an invisible bucket that follows you everywhere. And when you do something kind, or someone does something kind for you, you both get your buckets filled. When you do something mean, that takes something out of the bucket. So today, try to fill your bucket and someone else’s by doing something nice. Write a note to someone you miss. Draw a picture for your teacher. Bake cookies for a neighbor. There are lots of ways to fill a bucket!

 ?? BIGSTOCK ?? Dwarfism is defined by the advocacy groups Little People of the World Organizati­on (LPOTW) and Little People of America (LPA) as an adult height of 4 feet 10 inches or under, as a result of a medical or genetic condition.
BIGSTOCK Dwarfism is defined by the advocacy groups Little People of the World Organizati­on (LPOTW) and Little People of America (LPA) as an adult height of 4 feet 10 inches or under, as a result of a medical or genetic condition.
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