Imperial Valley Press

Foods to avoid when using a multicooke­r


One of the most popular pieces of kitchenwar­e in the past few years is the Instant Pot or multicooke­r. An electronic­ally controlled combinatio­n pressure and slow cooker, these multicooke­rs cut down on the time it takes to cook some foods and can handle a wide range of foods through the use of heat and steam.

While the Instant Pot provides flexibilit­y, not every ingredient or dish will work with the multicooke­r. Here are a few foods you don’t want to cook in an Instant Pot, according to

• Crunchy, crispy food: Unless you’ve purchased a specialty model, your Instant Pot is not a pressure fryer and isn’t designed for the higher temperatur­es needed to heat cooking oil for something like crispy fried chicken.

• Dairy: Most dairy products such as cheese, milk and sour cream will curdle in an Instant Pot, no matter if you use the pressure cooking setting or the slow cooking setting.

• Pasta: While you technicall­y can cook pasta in an Instant Pot, it may come out gummy or unevenly cooked.

• Cakes: The steaming will leave a cake moist, but you won’t get a crust on the cake or the chewy edges.

• Yellow and red len

tils: Brown and green lentils can hold up to pressure cooking, but the more delicate yellow and red versions turn to mush because they cook so quickly.

• Seafood: In general, seafood such as fish, oysters, shrimp, muscles and clams are just too delicate for pressure cooking and slow cooking modes.

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