Imperial Valley Press

Arugula salad pizza


Serves 4

• 1 pound store-bought pizza dough

• 1 10-ounce chevre log

• ¼ cup shredded Parmesan

• Juice and 1 teaspoon zest from one lemon

• 3 sweet peppers, cleaned and sliced

• ½ large onion, sliced

• ½ cup olive oil

• 1/2 pound arugula

Let the chevre and pizza dough come to room temperatur­e. Mix the chevre with the lemon zest and Parmesan cheese in a bowl, and leave on the counter, covered.

Turn the oven to 400, and while it’s heating cut the peppers and onions. Toss them in 2 tablespoon­s of olive oil and spread them out on a cookie sheet. Roast them until the pepper skins begin to blister, stirring once or twice, about 20 minutes. When done, remove and allow to cool. Meanwhile, work on the crust.

Sprinkle some flour on your pizza pan — I use a 15 x 10 cookie sheet; a large cast-iron pan works, too — and roll the dough around it so it isn’t sticky. Then work it into a roughly pan-sized piece. I rub it with a little olive oil to loosen it up. Make sure the pan is well oiled and slap, push, prod, squeeze and plead the dough into place.

Sprinkle the cheese mixture atop the pizza dough as evenly as you can. Then add the pepper and onion mix, as evenly as you can. Cook the pizza until the crust is brown around the edges — about 40 minutes. Use a spatula to check the bottom if you’re in doubt.

While the pizza cools, toss the arugula in the lemon juice and remaining oil.

To serve, top a slice of pizza with a large dollop of arugula, and squeeze the pizza around the salad to keep it in place. Eat the pizza and salad combo. Enjoy the surprising combinatio­n of spicy arugula, rich cheese, and sweet peppers and onions.

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