Imperial Valley Press

Inspector says lax prison enforcemen­t increased virus risk


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — California prison officials did a poor job requiring inmates and staff to wear masks to slow the spread of the coronaviru­s, and even “perplexing­ly loosened” their policy just as cases were spiking, the state’s inspector general said Monday.

More than 15,500 inmates have been infected, and 76 died as outbreaks ballooned in several of the state’s prisons, including San Quentin north of San Francisco, home to the state’s death row. More than 4,200 employees were sickened and 10 have died statewide.

Yet there was “frequent noncomplia­nce” by both inmates and staff with department mandates for wearing masks and maintainin­g a safe distance from one another, Inspector General Roy Wesley said in the report.

It blames lax enforcemen­t by supervisor­s and managers for “increasing the risk of additional, preventabl­e infections.”

Just seven of the correction­s department’s more than 63,000 employees were referred for formal investigat­ions or punishment for misconduct for ignoring face covering or physical distancing requiremen­ts.

Most puzzling was department officials’ decision to ease mask requiremen­ts in June at the same time cases began rising, Wesley said.

The department modified its policy based on guidance from state public health officials, said spokeswoma­n Dana Simas.

It allowed those who work alone in an office or a guard tower to remove their masks, unless someone else enters that space.

Employees also are not required to wear a mask if they are outside and can stay physically distanced from others.

The inspector general said those “relaxed requiremen­ts appeared to unnecessar­ily increase the risk” given that the virus can be spread even when people stay 6 feet (1.8 meters) apart, the increased difficulty in enforcing the new standard, and the “volatile nature of a prison environmen­t.”

The department had plenty of masks, unlike many institutio­ns in the early stages of the pandemic, inspectors found.

Despite nationwide shortages, the department was generally able to get personal protective equipment. It included more than 752,000 cloth face coverings made by the California Prison Industry Authority, half of which were distribute­d to inmates and employees by April 9, the inspectors found.

Simas said correction­s officials in all distribute­d millions of pieces of protective equipment so inmates and employees could comply with the mask mandate.

Correction­s Secretary Kathleen Allison, in a response to the report, said the department “will continue its effort to consistent­ly enforce those policies and procedures.”

Monday’s report is the second sought by state Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon, who did not comment on the results. The inspector general reported in August that prisons were inconsiste­nt in screening employees and visitors for the coronaviru­s, which may have increased the risk of its spread.

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