Imperial Valley Press

In closely-watched congressio­nal race, a Republican flirts with QA non

- JOHN MICEK An award-winning political journalist, John L. Micek is Editor-in-Chief of the Pennsylvan­ia Capital-Star in Harrisburg, Pa. Email him at jmicek@penncapita­, and follow him on Twitter @ByJohnLMic­ek.

In a normal universe, the baseless and appalling QAnon conspiracy theory would be the plot to the worst action thriller you’ve ever seen.

If you don’t know by now, QAnon adherents subscribe to the utterly bonkers propositio­n that President Donald Trump is heroically fighting against a diffuse and secretive cabal of devil worshipers and child molesters scattered across the most elite levels of government, business and the media.

To take it to its “Sharknado-iest” extremes, the theory also posits that a violent reckoning is coming, and that such high-profile pols as Hillary Clinton will be arrested and executed for their non-existent role in it.

QAnon adherents aren’t just harmless cranks. They’ve been legitimize­d by Trump and some are on the fast-track to Congress. Others have resorted to violence, with one notably sentenced to prison for opening fire in a Washington, D.C., pizzeria because he wrongly believed the false argument that children were being held there against their will in a sex-traffickin­g ring.

Now it’s come home to roost in a closely watched congressio­nal race in Pennsylvan­ia, where the Republican incumbent is hanging onto his seat by his fingernail­s as Democrats mount an allout assault to flip it.

The incumbent, Rep. Scott Perry, is a veteran and former state lawmaker who’s represente­d the 10th Congressio­nal District since 2012. Earlier this month, he was one of 18 Republican­s to cast a logic-defying vote against a non-binding resolution condemning QAnon.

The vote has been brought up in a pair of televised debates with Democratic challenger Eugene DePasquale, who’s Pennsylvan­ia’s two-term state auditor general.

Each time, Perry has offered a carefully parsed answer that walks up to, but doesn’t quite reach, a disavowal, saying that while he may disagree with the QAnon faithful, they still have a constituti­onal right to believe it.

The Philadelph­ia branch of the Anti-Defamation League has called on

Perry to denounce the conspiracy movement. They’re disappoint­ed, but not surprised, by his refusal.

“For people like him and President Donald Trump, to not call it out is just irresponsi­ble,” Shira Goodman, the director of the Philadelph­ia regional office of the ADL, said last week.

It’s worth noting that Perry had no problem condemning DePasquale’s participat­ion in a Black Lives Matter protest in Harrisburg over the summer, where one protester held a sign that read “Blue Lives Murder.”

“A lot of people dislike a lot of things in this country, some people don’t like certain vegetables or what have you,” Perry said during an October 2019 debate, where he offered a lame false equivalenc­y. “But it’s very dangerous for the government … to determine what is OK to like and what is not OK to like.”

That’s not true.

The resolution doesn’t order anyone not to like QAnon, no matter how corrosivel­y destructiv­e it is. It makes the rather sane argument that it doesn’t deserve legitimacy in a civil society -- something that the vast majority of Perry’s fellow Republican­s were able to understand and vote in favor of without issue.

Perry has the same problem that Republican lawmakers in vulnerable districts have all across the country. Even if they privately think QAnon is nuts, they can’t say it out loud, for fear of alienating a growing part of the GOP’s whackjob fringe.

But here’s what’s so dangerous about that kind of carefully calibrated dodge. Apart from being cynical in the extreme, it’s morally wrong.

All it takes is silence and acquiescen­ce from those in power for the most hateful rhetoric to emerge from the shadows and walk in the light. And then before you know it, that light illuminate­s the path to boxcars.

“Hiding behind the First Amendment doesn’t get it,” Goodman said. “It doesn’t work with what we’re seeing on the ground. When you normalize this, speech can lead to action.”

Goodman pointed to what she called the “Pyramid of Hate,” a hierarchy that starts with people turning a blind eye or deaf ear to ethnic or racist jokes. From there, it escalates, moving to discrimina­tion, gaining more legitimacy as it grows. At the highest level, there’s state-sanctioned violence against a persecuted minority.

That’s what Goodman sees happening with the Republican­s and QAnon, as the movement gains more and more legitimacy, and as its members assume roles of power and influence within the government.

“We’re at a dangerous time,” Goodman said. “We have to hold ourselves accountabl­e. We have to hold our candidates and leaders accountabl­e. You have to be able to denounce this.”

You wouldn’t think it would be that much to ask.

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