Imperial Valley Press

California inmate who fought wildfires, now faces deportatio­n


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — Among the thousands of firefighte­rs who battled record- setting wildfires in California this year was Bounchan Keola, a 39-year-old immigrant from Laos serving a 28year prison sentence for a gang- related shooting when he was 16.

One of roughly 1,800 inmates fighting fires, Keola said he struggled to see through the smoke during his first assignment while getting doused with chemicals used to fight the flames. When it was over, he was stunned to see people from the community lining up to thank him as he walked back to the bus.

“For the first time in my life, I felt good about myself,” he said.

Keola was set to be released in October. His sister took a week off work to get ready, buying him clothes, shoes and some face masks. But days before he was to be freed, Keola learned he would not be going home. Federal agents from Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t picked him up and transferre­d him to an immigratio­n detention facility in McFarland.

Keola is a legal resident of the U. S., having fled Laos with his parents when he was 2. But federal law allows for the deportatio­n of immigrants with certain criminal conviction­s.

And while California law prohibits local agencies from cooperatin­g with federal immigratio­n authoritie­s for some crimes, it doesn’t apply to the state prison system. California prison officials routinely cooperate with federal immigratio­n authoritie­s, advocates say, transferri­ng released inmates to their custody so they can begin deportatio­n proceeding­s.

This year alone, the state has transferre­d an estimated 1,265 inmates to federal immigratio­n authoritie­s, according to Sarah Lee, community advocate for the Asian Law Caucus.

California’s Democratic leaders, including Gov. Gavin Newsom, have proudly battled the Trump administra­tion over immigratio­n. They’ve even passed laws giving government-funded health benefits to young adults living in the country illegally.

But Democratic leaders have been dismayed by Newsom’s policy of transferri­ng inmates to federal immigratio­n authoritie­s. They have repeatedly asked him to stop, even passing a bill last year to effectivel­y ban the practice. But Newsom vetoed it, saying he was concerned it would “negatively impact prison operations.”

The fight surfaced again on Thursday, when the state Senate called a public hearing to question California Department of Correction­s and Rehabilita­tion officials about the transfers.

“These are people who have done their time. They paid their debt to society,” said state Sen. Scott Wiener, a Democrat from San Francisco. “We should be integratin­g them back into our community, and not facilitati­ng the Trump deportatio­n machine.”

Newsom’s office did not respond to a request for comment. But Heidi Dixon, chief of case records services for the California Department of Correction­s and Rehabilita­tion, cited a law that says the state “shall cooperate with the United States Immigratio­n and Naturaliza­tion Service ... for the purpose of conducting and expediting deportatio­n hearings and subsequent placement of deportatio­n holds.”

“It’s our responsibi­lity to notify ICE of the offender’s release date. “It’s up to ICE on whether or not they choose to pick up the offender,” Dixon told lawmakers during a public hearing.

Wiener disagreed, saying the Newsom administra­tion was interpreti­ng the law “as broad as someone could possibly stretch the language.”

Keola spoke to reporters by phone on Thursday from a federal immigratio­n detention center. His lawyer, Anoop Prasad, said Keola’s family fought alongside U. S. soldiers during the Vietnam war. They fled the country when the war ended to avoid persecutio­n and settled in California in 1988, where they became permanent residents.

He said Keola lived in a poor neighborho­od with high rates of violence and joined a gang for protection. In 2001, he was convicted of second- degree attempted murder, voluntary manslaught­er and assault with a firearm, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

But during his time in prison, Keola’s good behavior eventually earned him a security level low enough to volunteer as a firefighte­r, Prasad said.

A federal judge has ordered Keola to be deported, but before that can happen Laos has to agree to take him. Prasad said Keola doesn’t have a birth certificat­e or other documents showing he was born in Laos, and he doesn’t have any family members who live in the country. Laos officials plan to interview him next month.

“I’m trying to be patient, just hoping that I’ll get out of here soon and not face deportatio­n and go back to a country I know nothing of and where my family and I fled for a better life,” he said. “I’m just asking for a second chance to live this American life and to be a firefighte­r.”

 ??  ?? An Oct. 16 handout photo provided by the California Department of Correction­s and Rehabilita­tion shows Bounchan Keola. Keola, a former inmate firefighte­r who was injured fighting the Zogg fire in October and turned over to ICE weeks later.
An Oct. 16 handout photo provided by the California Department of Correction­s and Rehabilita­tion shows Bounchan Keola. Keola, a former inmate firefighte­r who was injured fighting the Zogg fire in October and turned over to ICE weeks later.

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