Imperial Valley Press

Steroid rage ruined 17-year marriage

- KEITH ROACH, M.D. your health

DEAR DR. ROACH: After five years, I still have questions after my husband ( at the time) started getting more and more critical, until culminatin­g in a few weeks where he started ranting, calling me profane names and leaving me emotionall­y depleted and confused.

We had been married for 17 years, and I had never seen this type of behavior from him. Later, I learned from one of his former friends he was ordering testostero­ne online and injecting it.

At the time, I noticed many “men’s clinics” in my town featuring testostero­ne, although now it seems the push has moved to online advertisem­ents for erectile dysfunctio­n, with all sorts of good side effects implied.

With some counseling, I learned I had PTSD, and then worked with a PTSD counselor, only realizing later that during his rants I was afraid he might try to kill me.

Do men who inject testostero­ne remember the things they did and said during these rants? I don’t seem to be able to find someone who has developed expertise in the area of how testostero­ne injections affect men, and thereby, how their behavior affects the mental health of people who have had to rebuild their lives after the experience. -- D.B.

ANSWER: I am very sorry to hear about how your husband treated you.

When a doctor prescribes testostero­ne appropriat­ely for a man, it is because his testostero­ne level is low and causing symptoms. This can include fatigue, low muscle mass, loss of body hair and sexual problems, such as loss of libido or erectile dysfunctio­n.

The goal is to return the testostero­ne level to the normal range and relieve symptoms. When used properly, the risk of psychologi­cal adverse effects is minimal.

When anabolic steroids like testostero­ne are used recreation­ally, especially by bodybuilde­rs or other athletes, the doses used are much higher than replacemen­t doses. There are case reports of men developing out- of- control anger ( socalled ‘ roid rage).

This appears to be a rare or at least unusual complicati­on of anabolic steroid use, and there is speculatio­n that men who are going to abuse testostero­nelike steroids already are more likely to have preexistin­g psychiatri­c diagnoses.

Since there is not a lot of well- done studies on the phenomenon of steroid rage, and some of it is contradict­ory, I’m not able to answer your questions directly, but extrapolat­ing from other psychiatri­c conditions, I think it very likely that the person recalls what they did and said during the events, although they may have difficultl­y admitting it.

I also suspect that the experience of mental health profession­als who have helped women and men deal with the psychologi­cal aftermath of abuse would be able to help a person in your situation.

DR. ROACH WRITES: A recent column from a writer (“L. L. B.”) with an inability to urinate despite a large amount of urine in the bladder led me to suggest additional testing to find the underlying cause.

He wrote back and unfortunat­ely was found to have bladder cancer. He has gotten some radiation treatment and may get chemo as well. He said, “If I do go down, I will go down fighting.” I admire his attitude and wish him the best in fighting bladder cancer.

Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporat­e them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGood­Health@med.cornell. edu or send mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

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