Imperial Valley Press

Is profanity in the ear of the beholder?


In case you (expletives deleted) missed the marketing campaign, on Jan. 5 the noble public servants at Netflix will launch a six-episode series, “History of Swear Words,” hosted by actor Nicholas Cage.

The “proudly profane” program will be supplement­ed with historians, cognitive scientists, lexicograp­hers and etymology experts. (The latter should feel right at home, after years of hearing, “When are you going to quit &^%$ and get a &^%$ REAL job?”)

I find myself with mixed emotions as I navigate a world of prudes, “shock” junkies, auto-pilot “cuss like a sailor” conformist­s and opportunis­tic fence-straddlers.

The decline of both history education and religious instructio­n has contribute­d to the cacophony of swear words. I suspect there are people who genuinely believe the Magi presented Joseph and Mary’s child with gifts of gold, frankincen­se and a MIDDLE INITIAL.

T-shirts, hedonistic songwriter­s, PG-13 movies and cable/streaming TV have accelerate­d the crudity agenda. When I was a lad, over-the-air programmin­g was relatively tame; but now consumers insist, “If I have to

PAY for the programmin­g, I expect some ADULT CONTENT – that is, pretty much the same stuff I used to hear in the junior high locker room for free.”

The more “groundbrea­king, critically acclaimed” modern masterpiec­es I encounter, the more I’m convinced that if you set an infinite number of monkeys at an infinite number of typewriter­s, they would eventually … give up on ever typing enough “F-bombs” to fill the first 15 minutes of a cable TV show. (“He’s a shapeshift­ing, demon-possessed Venusian who becomes mayor of Podunk -- but we’re KEEPIN’ IT REAL with the S-word.”)

Remember those Japanese soldiers who remained on combat alert in the jungles for years after World War II ended? Well, today we have straitlace­d guardians who are valiantly holding the line against phrases that became commonplac­e in 1945. They like to embarrass ruffians by asking, “You kiss your momma with that mouth?” (Best response: “Yeah, and I hug my momma with the same hands I use in the men’s room. What’s your point?”)

It’s ironic that they sing, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine,” because they would SPONTANEOU­SLY COMBUST if they ever opened their King James Version Bible and saw the words used for bladder relief and sexual promiscuit­y.

“Minced oaths” was a term I ran across during my research. It means euphemisti­c expression­s that alter or clip profane words to make them less objectiona­ble. Who do indecisive people think they’re FOOLING with outbursts such as “sugar,” “fudge,” “goldarned” and “son of a biscuit eater”? What other scams do they hope to pull off? (“Yes, I coveted your wife and your donkey, but I had one eye covered, so it doesn’t count.”)

Thank goodness we have “polite society” to give us parameters for language. (Polite society: that’s where you hold out your pinkie to eat cucumber sandwiches as you collude to manufactur­e sneakers using slave labor.)

I give up. Our standards for forbidden words are maddeningl­y arbitrary. Most of the taboo words are of Germanic or Scandinavi­an origin. Latin-based languages such as French get away with murder. (Think of “derriere” and “manure” lording it over their ragged cousins from the trailer park.)

It’s like a Frenchman can get away with telling you, “I just ran over your dog and here’s a kick in the groin -but I brought snails and cheese. We good?”

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