Imperial Valley Press

Patients’ interests not served

- — Bob Michel Brawley

It is my belief, as a result of many conversati­ons that have had recently with medical profession­al in our Valley, that they number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 is far greater than it should be. Not just because of the way the death totals are configured, but because of the way the patients are being treated for COVID-19.

It seems that the opinions of many in our healthcare industry, especially of those coming from Dr. Fauci and his associates who insist on putting all our hopes in a vaccine, does not necessaril­y seem to be in the best interest of us, the patients.

In my conversati­ons with these medical profession­als, they are confident that the number of therapeuti­c remedies available to our healthcare providers for treating patients are not being implemente­d.

Dr. George Fareed, a local physician, has had tremendous success treating his patients with a therapeuti­c remedy that includes hydroxychl­oroquine. Especially is the therapy is started within the first couple of days. Dr. Fareed has traveled to Washington, D.C., and explained to a congressio­nal committee the success he has had administer­ing this therapy to his patients. This therapeuti­c has been printed in the Desert Review; it is readily available and has been used in the treatment of other viral diseases. The main component, hydroxychl­oroquine, has been in use for more than 60 years. It is safe; a woman who is pregnant can take it with no risks to her child.

It is unfortunat­e that the success of hydroxychl­oroquine is not accepted as a viable treatment. Is it because there is no financial reward for those in Washington, D.C., and “Big Tech” as there would be with the COVID-19 vaccine?

In addition to the hydroxychl­oroquine, there are others that have demonstrat­ed success. Remdesivir and azithromyc­in (Z-Pak) have also been used with measurable success in treating COVID-19, but they are not what Dr. Fauci is promoting. And we know how many times he has been correct during his tenure.

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