Imperial Valley Press

Israel and the US: our vital alliance

- ARTHUR I. CYR Arthur I. Cyr at Carthage College is the author of After the Cold War (NYU Press and Palgrave/Macmillan) and other books. Contact

The visit of newly installed Prime Minister Naftali Bennett of Israel to the United States could not be more timely. On Aug. 27, he met at the White House with President Joe Biden. The photo op handshake between the two is especially important right now.

The security of Israel and regional stability are sustained U.S. foreign policy priorities. The interests of our two nations have not always coincided, yet the partnershi­p endures.

Prime Minister Bennett’s statement in the Oval Office is of self-evident importance, and is worth quoting at length:

“I bring with me a new spirit, a spirit of good will, a spirit of hope, a spirit of decency and honesty, a spirit of unity and bipartisan­ship, of folks who … harbor very different political opinions, even opposing, yet we all share the deep passion to work together to build a better future for Israel.” Biden reciprocat­ed the warm words.

For 12 years, Bennett’s predecesso­r Benjamin Netanyahu was in office. The intense nationalis­m of that leader led to aggressive annexation of territory, confrontat­ional policies and difficult relations with the United States and other allies. Netanyahu currently is on trial for corruption, which appears to mark the end of his long, turbulent political career.

Netanyahu’s relationsh­ip with President Barack Obama was unpleasant. President Donald Trump purchased better relations through considerab­le accommodat­ion of Israel.

This included moving the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem with no concession­s in return. Trump does deserve credit for securing diplomatic recognitio­n of Israel by Bahrain, Morocco, Sudan and the United Arab Emirates.

Bennett has seized the opportunit­y to emphasize a fresh start, and positive opportunit­y represente­d by his government, a relatively broad coalition. The government includes the United Arab List.

Welcoming the Arab political party into government is an Israeli first. This is encouragin­g in the volatile, divided Middle East, which witnessed brutal combat between Hamas and Israel earlier this year.

Bennett’s visit also occurred during the continuing disastrous debacle of the costly, rushed American withdrawal from Afghanista­n. Indirectly, U.S. cooperatio­n with ally Israel may increase as a result, especially given Bennett’s forthcomin­g style and positive, pragmatic approach so far.

Despite Afghanista­n, long-term the United States has provided significan­t strategic leadership in the Middle

East and Persian Gulf region. In 1956, President Dwight Eisenhower rightly opposed and forced terminatio­n of a misguided effort by Britain, France and Israel to retake the nationaliz­ed Suez Canal from Egypt by military force.

In 1973, defense and diplomatic efforts of the Nixon administra­tion were crucial to Israel’s ultimate survival against a combined attack by Arab states. Five years later, President Jimmy Carter brokered peace between Egypt and Israel.

During 1990-1991, President George H.W. Bush led an internatio­nal military coalition that drove invader Iraq from Kuwait. Secretary of State James Baker demonstrat­ed extraordin­ary energy and ability in successful diplomacy that followed.

The United States refrained from destroying the Iraq government, did confirm America’s regional leadership, and establishe­d a partially independen­t Palestine authority.

Today, Iran and Russia steadily expand influence in the Middle East. The first is a militant adversary. The second was our principal enemy during the

Cold War.

George H.W. Bush and James Baker decisively demonstrat­ed American leadership. That legacy remains, awaiting leaders equal to the demanding work.

Israel’s government has a promising opportunit­y today to work with the U.S. to further regional stability.

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