Imperial Valley Press

AG releases interview transcript­s in Cuomo harassment probe


ALBANY, N. Y. ( AP) — Over an 11- hour interview with investigat­ors last July, former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo defiantly denied allegation­s he sexually harassed women and sparred with the lawyers questionin­g him, accusing one of being out to get him, according to a transcript released on Wednesday.

New York Attorney General Letitia James made public hundreds of pages of transcript­s of interviews conducted by two independen­t lawyers, hired by her office, during their monthslong probe of sexual harassment allegation­s against Cuomo.

In their interviews with investigat­ors, conducted over several months, the women accusing Cuomo of misconduct laid out their horror stories of working for a boss who made comments about women’s looks, asked questions about sex and gave inappropri­ate touches and kisses.

The transcript­s covered interviews done with 10 of the women who accused Cuomo of misconduct, plus the interview that Cuomo himself gave on July 17.

Most of the allegation­s, and Cuomo’s defenses, have been aired publicly before in interviews, news conference­s and a report published by James’ office in August that sparked public outrage and pushed Cuomo to resign from office. But the transcript­s offer a new level of detail on the allegation­s against the Democrat and Cuomo’s confrontat­ional interview.

During the interrogat­ion, Cuomo insisted he was careful in how he behaved around women and said several of his accusers had misreprese­nted what happened. He also bristled at a groping allegation by an aide, Brittany Commisso, who said Cuomo had pulled her toward him and grabbed her breast in the governor’s mansion.

Cuomo, 63, said it would be “not even feasi

ble” for him to have done that, especially since he believed his conduct was constantly under scrutiny by enemies, including


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“You’ve investigat­ed me for six years,” Cuomo told Kim, referring to corruption investigat­ions conducted by federal prosecutor­s during Kim’s tenure, including one that sent one of Cuomo’s close friends to prison. “I would have to lose my mind to do some — such a thing. It would be Rosemary an act of Patricia insanity Hento

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said Cuomo made comments about her appearance, called her “honey” and asked her about her sex life. She said when she wore a dress rather than pants to work, the governor said it was “about time that you showed some leg.”

She also described the alleged assault at the governor’s mansion, saying that even as she pushed Cuomo away, she worried she would be the one who got in trouble if she slapped him or made a scene.

“I would be taken away by the state police officers and I would be the one that would get in trouble and I would be the one to lose my job, not him,” she said.

In her interview with investigat­ors, Lindsey Boylan, a former economic developmen­t official who was the first woman to publicly accuse Cuomo of harassment, called his famously caustic administra­tion “a terrible environmen­t for everyone, whether they were sexually harassed or not.” But she told the investigat­ors harassment was what spurred her to

come forward. “If this was just a toxic work environmen­t, we wouldn’t be sitting here.”

Boylan said Cuomo regularly commented on her appearance, “constantly” looked at her legs and once kissed her on the lips without her consent.

When the governor’s dog climbed on her, Cuomo said, “Well, if I was the dog, I’d mount you, too.”

Asked by investigat­ors whether any sexual harassment training was done while she was working in the Executive Chamber, Boylan said no, adding: “The whole building is sexual harassment.”

She and other women described Cuomo as, at turns intensely demanding, furious or egregiousl­y inappropri­ate.

Cuomo asked Boylan to sing him “Happy Birthday” over the phone and former aide Charlotte Bennett to sing “Danny Boy” as a hazing ritual. The governor pounded his fist into a door in frustratio­n once and on another occasion told a top aide he was lucky

he didn’t throw him out the window, according to testimony.

Bennett, who has alleged Cuomo quizzed her about her sex life in a manner that made her think he was hitting on her, said staffers called to meet with Cuomo came in with dread and distress and would sometimes be in tears afterward.

Cuomo announced his resignatio­n on Aug. 10, a week after James released a report concluding that Cuomo had sexually harassed at least 11 women.

Cuomo’s attorneys have previously called for the release of transcript­s from the investigat­ion. But Cuomo attorney Rita Glavin criticized the attorney general for the partial release while the criminal charge is pending.

“The Attorney General deliberate­ly harms a pending case by broadcasti­ng to each witness what other witnesses have testified to, and spreading false and salacious hearsay and rumors,” Glavin said in a statement.

The state Assembly had been considerin­g impeaching Cuomo when he resigned. A legal team hired by the Assembly’s judiciary committee has continued to work on a report on Cuomo’s conduct in office. The committee’s chair said Wednesday that committee members had been invited to review the report in Albany on Nov. 18 and 19 ahead of its planned public release.

In his interview with investigat­ors, Cuomo portrayed many of the women accusing him as having misreprese­nted their interactio­ns. Asked repeatedly about allegation­s of harassment, he started answers with the word “no,” more than 350 times and uttering the words “never happened” eight times.

During one lengthy exchange, he refused to offer a simple answer to a question about whether a woman mentioned in one bit of testimony was his girlfriend.

“How do you want to define ‘girlfriend?’” Cuomo asked.

“Did you date her?” Kim asked.

“How do you want to define ‘ date?’” Cuomo countered.

Cuomo suggested Kim was a puppet doing the bidding of his predecesso­r in the U.S. attorney’s office, Preet Bharara, and “his rabbi,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.

“You know that I said that Preet and you were unethical and should not be considered for attorney general,” Cuomo told Kim. “Preet Bharara has political aspiration­s, may have political aspiration­s against me. His rabbi, your rabbi, Senator Schumer called for my resignatio­n.”

Kim told Cuomo he wasn’t “engaging” with him on those types of statements, but said “I wouldn’t want the silence to go as some kind of acceptance of it.”

Cuomo closed the deposition with another jab at Kim: “I would like to say it was a pleasure, Mr. Kim. But I’m under oath.”

 ?? AP PHOTO/JACQUELYN MARTIN ?? New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaks during a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, on 2020.
AP PHOTO/JACQUELYN MARTIN New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo speaks during a news conference at the National Press Club in Washington, on 2020.

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