Imperial Valley Press

Redistrict­ing is a challenge to our democracy


It would be fair to say that for a good bit of our history, Americans paid scant attention to redistrict­ing. The redrawing of congressio­nal and legislativ­e lines every 10 years, sparked by population shifts captured by the census, tended to pass unnoticed. Unless, of course, it involved some particular­ly outrageous instance of gerrymande­ring.

For line-drawers, especially in the age of the computer, this was just fine. When your basic laptop can so easily create any desired political complexion for a district, the politician­s who were usually in charge of the process were quite happy to get the chance to choose their voters without much public notice. This would give the party in power in a state a lock on as many seats as possible—never mind the damage it did to competitiv­e elections and, more generally, our representa­tive democracy.

An interestin­g thing happened after the last redistrict­ing round, however. As overt and divisive partisansh­ip ratcheted up around the country, so did public concern about partisan line-drawing. In several states, reform advocates were able to create citizen-led redistrict­ing commission­s, including in Arizona, California, Colorado, Michigan, New York, Ohio and Virginia. The goal was to remove redistrict­ing from the hands of self-interested politician­s and, ideally, make it fairer and more representa­tive of voters’ political desires.

But these are highly partisan times, and in at least three of those states — New York, Ohio, and Virginia — the commission­s split along partisan lines, with each side putting forth its own preferred maps. Moreover, as bracing as it is to see public support for non-partisan redistrict­ing, the reality is that most states still put state legislator­s in control; this go-round, like last time, Republican­s (who control the legislatur­es and governorsh­ip in most of those states) will have a distinct advantage.

Does this matter? I would argue that it does. To begin with, would you rather vote in a district in which you knew that your preferred candidate could never win, or in a district in which your party had a realistic chance of prevailing every other November? I don’t think it’s a coincidenc­e that as elections have grown less competitiv­e, the interest of ordinary citizens has waned.

But the truly troubling issues arise when it comes to the overall makeup of the U.S. House and of state legislatur­es. When a district is drawn to make it easy for a particular party to win there, it means that politician­s don’t need to appeal to a cross-section of the electorate; instead, they must win over “the base.” Which, not surprising­ly, means that they focus on voters who are more extreme than the electorate in general. Our roiling partisansh­ip these days is partly a result of redistrict­ing bipartisan­ship out of existence. Overcoming it will prove nearly impossible as long as congressio­nal and legislativ­e districts are explicitly designed as vehicles for partisansh­ip.

The problem is, from a politician’s point of view the incentive to keep gerrymande­ring is quite strong. A 2017 study by the Brennan Center for Justice found that extreme partisan redistrict­ing in a handful of states produced 16 to 17 more Republican seats than the party would have won otherwise, thus bulking up the GOP presence in the House for much of the last decade. The party seems likely to extend its dominance this time around, though in several Democratic-controlled states, legislator­s are doing their level best to cut into their margins.

This is not healthy. For most of our history, the House was legitimate­ly seen as “the people’s house,” and state legislatur­es were viewed as equally representa­tive. But if their members actually represent only committed activists, it is hard to see them living up to the founders’ expectatio­ns. Elections need to reflect public opinion as it evolves over time, and political competitio­n forces candidates to adjust. They must work to understand the needs and desires of voters, explain their positions, and offer voters a choice in the marketplac­e of politics. Competitiv­e elections undergird our self-expression as citizens. Don’t let self-interested politician­s take that away from you.

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