Imperial Valley Press

Okinawa marks 50 years of end to US rule amid protests


TOKYO (AP) — Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki on Sunday urged Japan’s central government to do more to reduce the U.S. military presence in the southern island group as it marked the 50th anniversar­y of its return to Japan after 27 years of American rule, amid frustratio­n and bitterness over a lack of support from the mainland.

Tamaki said Okinawa has come a long way since the devastatio­n of World War II and nearly three decades of U.S. rule, which ended when it reverted to Japan on May 15, 1972. But the tiny island group’s yearslong demand for the mainland to share its security burden remains unresolved.

“I call on the central government to share with the entire nation the significan­ce of Okinawa’s reversion and the importance of permanent peace that Okinawans have long craved for,” Tamaki said.

Ceremonies marking the anniversar­y were held simultaneo­usly in two locations — one in the Okinawan city of Giowan, home to a disputed U.S. air station, and the other in Tokyo. The separate ceremonies symbolize the deep divide in views over Okinawa’s history and ongoing suffering.

Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said he takes Okinawa’s concerns seriously and will make efforts to reduce the burden while still maintainin­g U.S. military deterrence on the islands.

Kishida and his minister in charge of the islands were in Okinawa, where hundreds of protesters staged a rally Saturday demanding a speedier reduction of U.S. military forces,


as fears grow that Okinawa


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may become a front line of


conflict amid rising China tensions.

More protests were held Sunday on Okinawa, including one in the prefectura­l FOR capital SALE of Naha, where BY nearly OWNER 1,000 people renewed their demands for peace.

Resentment and frustratio­n run deep in Okinawa over the heavy U.S. presence and Tokyo’s lack of effort to negotiate with Washington to balance the security burden between mainland Japan and the southern island group.

Because of the US. bases, Okinawa faces burdens including noise, pollution, accidents and crime related to American troops, Okinawan officials and residents say.

Adding to Okinawa’s fears is the growing deployment of Japanese missile defense and amphibious capabiliti­es on Okinawa’s outer islands, including Ishigaki, Miyako and Yonaguni, which are close to geopolitic­al hotspots like Taiwan.

Okinawa was the site of one of the bloodiest battles of World War II, which killed about 200,000 people, nearly half of them Okinawan residents.

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