Imperial Valley Press

Getting Stronger

Weight regimens provide a host of preventati­ve health benefits


Seniors shouldn’t forget strength training for better balance, joint health and stability.

You’ll also be warding away chronic diseases and everyday ailments. This kind of exercise is particular­ly important for women as they age, since they start out with lower bone density and muscle mass. But everyone can benefit from getting stronger.

Seek out specialize­d help from expert trainers to learn more about creating a program, or just start working out from the comfort of your own home. You can see significan­t results without a huge financial or time investment.


Weight training has its own special language which you’ll need to become familiar with, in particular if you’re exercising in a gym setting. A repetition, or rep, is one completion of an exercise. So, if you complete 10 curls or 10 pull ups, that’s 10 repetition­s. A set is the entire group of repetition­s. So if your goal was 10 curls, and you finish with 20, that’s two sets. Don’t over do it. Your final rep should be difficult to complete — but not impossible.


Dumb bells are ideal for weight training. They’re flexible, portable tools that can be easily customized for beginners or experts, and can be adjusted as you gain strength. They can also utilized at home or at the gym. If you choose to workout at home, buy these weights individual­ly so that you can confirm which ones work best for your experience level and abilities. You’ll also be spreading out the cost if your fixed-income budget won’t allow for the purchase of a complete set of dumb bells all at once.


Talk to your doctor before beginning any new routine. Newcomers should start with curls. Hold the weights at your sides, then slowly bend the elbow until the weights are at shoulder level. Keep them there for a count of three, then allow them to fall back to your sides. Next, work your way up to an overhead press. In this exercise, the weights are with elbow bent held at chest height. Slowly push the weights above your head, and again hold for three counts before lowering. Drink plenty of water as you go through these regimens, and stop immediatel­y if you begin to feel pain.

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