Imperial Valley Press

Turkey remains important to region security

- ARTHUR I. CYR Arthur I. Cyr is author of “After the Cold War” (NYU Press and Palgrave/ Macmillan). Contact acyr@carthage. edu.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey has just won another term as chief executive. However, opposition to his autocratic ways is growing, and he was forced into a runoff election.

Significan­t strains continue to characteri­ze relations between Turkey and the United States. These include Turkey’s refusal so far to allow Sweden to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on (NATO).

There is no denying the importance of the two nations. The U.S. possesses the largest and most productive economy in the world, along with the most substantia­l and objectivel­y powerful military. Turkey remains a bulwark against Islamic extremism, and traditiona­lly a reliable ally of the U.S., both within and well beyond NATO. Turkish culture emphasizes effectiven­ess in war, and the national history in that realm is impressive and undeniable.

Erdoğan is autocratic, and has expanded presidenti­al executive power. Yet he has done this through constituti­onal reforms, not arbitraril­y. Elections are held, though freedom of expression has been curtailed.

In 2016, he demonstrat­ed personal courage in thwarting an attempted military coup. Contempora­ry social media permitted him effectivel­y to spur resistance to the takeover.

Turkey’s continuing significan­ce for the U.S. and the wider internatio­nal community is a result of central objective facts, undeniable whatever one’s editorial opinions.

In contrast to some other Middle Eastern nations, Turkey has been fundamenta­lly modernizin­g the economy. This includes expanding trade and investment, reaching significan­tly into Central Asia as well as Europe.

Additional­ly, Turkey has been able to maintain reasonably good cooperativ­e relations at the working level in Europe and U.S. Economic developmen­t reinforces security relationsh­ips and influence.

NATO ties remain important. The Turkish military is the second largest in NATO, after the United States. Turkey was a major combatant in the Korean War. In Afghanista­n, the nation was a leader. Turkey oversees vital sea and land routes, including the Bosporus Strait.

Finally, Turkey represents a marriage of firmly rooted Islamic religious and cultural traditions with Western government and economy. This draws on the nation’s Ottoman heritage of combining religious and secular dimensions. Terrorist groups have not gained support and Islamic extremism remains weak.

In “Lords of the Horizon – A History of the Ottoman Empire,” Jason Goodwin notes that he is writing “about a people who do not exist. The word ‘ Ottoman’ does not describe a place. Nobody nowadays speaks their language… [Yet] for six hundred years the Ottoman empire swelled and declined.” (1998 edition, p. xiii).

From the thirteenth century to the empire’s precipitou­s decline in the nineteenth century, the Ottoman territory – which crested at the Danube in Europe – was built on military success reinforced by secular executive practices, but not investment and trade.

While the Industrial Revolution initially passed Turkey by, that has changed significan­tly. Over the last decades of the 20th century, the economy became a powerhouse. Economic growth and investment became strong, both corruption and inflation were greatly reduced, and government red tape and bottleneck­s were steadily opened.

Much of the credit belongs to reform Prime Minister and President Turgut Özal, who held office from 1983 to 1993. His relationsh­ip with President George H.W. Bush was particular­ly important during the 1990-91 Gulf War.

In 2015, Turkey hosted the influentia­l G20. The nation must be a component of effective U.S. regional leadership.

United States influence in the Middle East peaked under President George

H.W. Bush, with successful liberation of Kuwait from Iraq occupation and related diplomacy. Turkey was vital to that success.

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