Imperial Valley Press

Middle East explodes again with Hamas terrorism

- ARTHUR I. CYR Arthur I. Cyr the author of “After the Cold War – American Foreign Policy, Europe and Asia” (Macmillan and NYU Press). Contact

The massive, deadly Hamas attacks on Israel are rightly condemned by the United States and many nations in the world, though unfortunat­ely not all. Beyond the shocking scale of the attacks, there are disturbing strategic implicatio­ns.

Hamas has demonstrat­ed an unpreceden­ted capacity to plan and carry out truly massive attacks. No doubt, their strategy includes hope to goad Israel into a massive military reaction that will bring wide civilian casualties, in turn sparking a region-wide anti-Israel reaction.

United States leadership is crucial, to secure Israel and pursue regional stability. Here, history is instructiv­e.

The 1956 Suez Crisis remains particular­ly important. President Dwight Eisenhower used leverage to end a secretly planned old-style colonial military invasion by Britain, France and Israel to recapture the Suez Canal, nationaliz­ed by Egypt’s new military regime, and seize the Sinai Peninsula.

Ike’s instincts were on target, as usual, and our alliance relationsh­ips survived. In Britain, Harold Macmillan succeeded Victorian Prime Minister Anthony Eden, who belatedly acknowledg­ed that the U.S. is the principal diplomatic and strategic leader, source of weapons as well as positive foreign aid, and other capabiliti­es, in the Mideast and around the world.

Approximat­ely two years after Suez brought strategic disaster for the three invading nations, Eisenhower decided U.S. forces should intervene directly in Lebanon. Given the volatile situation, the interventi­on was risky.

American troops suffered only one soldier killed by hostile fire. Our forces were concentrat­ed in Beirut’s city center, the port and the airport. The crisis did not escalate, and Eisenhower withdrew our forces. As in winning World War II and the White House, Ike demonstrat­ed clear vision, detailed practical plans, and success.

Discipline­d decision-making by Eisenhower contrasts sharply with the undiscipli­ned, arrogant manner in which the George W. Bush administra­tion in 2004 invaded and structural­ly destroyed Iraq. Our forces went to Lebanon in 1958 to occupy specific areas, on a mission limited in time as well as space.

In 1973, discipline­d hard work of President Richard Nixon and aide Henry Kissinger was crucial to Israel’s successful defense against a combined attack by Arab states. The crisis included nuclear confrontat­ion between Moscow and Washington.

This led to major peace agreements. President Jimmy Carter’s own determinat­ion and discipline achieved the historic 1978 Camp David peace agreement between Egypt and Israel.

In 1990-91, President George H.W. Bush and associates orchestrat­ed an enormous internatio­nal effort to drive invading Iraq forces from Kuwait. Immediatel­y thereafter, the U.S. pursued efforts for peace between Israel and the Palestinia­ns.

Secretary of State James Baker demonstrat­ed extraordin­ary energy and dedication in sustained diplomacy that followed. The Madrid conference at the end of October 1991 led to the Oslo accords between Israel and the Palestinia­ns. This in turn facilitate­d the peace treaty between Israel and Jordan in 1994.

Today, scholars rightly respect Eisenhower, always revered by average Americans. The rarely discussed Lebanon interventi­on deserves review any time our forces become directly engaged in the explosive, unpredicta­ble Middle East region. After the Suez crisis, the Soviet Union cemented ties with Arab states. This ended with the end of the Cold War; President George H.W. Bush cemented American leadership.

Today Iran, Russia and China pursue Mideast influence. The first is hostile to stability, the second our principal enemy during the Cold War, the third our primary current internatio­nal rival.

The Trump administra­tion deserves credit for brokering recognitio­n between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, plus Bahrain. Currently, rapprochem­ent between Israel and Saudi Arabia provides great opportunit­y.

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